About two dozen vehicles were damaged by vandals Friday night.
Posted from TamaquaArea.com
About two-dozen vehicles were damaged by vandals last night (Friday, August 1, 2014) or this morning in Tamaqua. Most, if not all, of the the affected vehicles were located on the odd side of Gay Street. The damage appeared to come from a corrosive chemical sprayed on to them. Another area affected was Mountain Avenue; in which two cars were also sprayed with a corrosive chemical.
In addition to vandalism to these vehicles, a number of houses on Hunter Street and North Market Street had eggs thrown at them. If you have any photos, video or other information about any of these incidents, call the Tamaqua Police at (570) 668-5000.
Tamaqua Crime Watch is offering a one-time, first-person $250 cash reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the criminal(s).