How healthy is Schuylkill County compared to the rest of Pennsylvania?
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute recently posted their 2015 County Health Rankings for Pennsylvania. Within this report, it ranks each county's health ranking compared to other counties in the State.
According to their online report at, the Rankings help counties understand what influences how
healthy residents are and how long
they will live. The Rankings are unique
in their ability to measure the current
overall health of each county in all 50
states. They also look at a variety of
measures that affect the future health
of communities, such as high school
graduation rates, access to healthy
foods, rates of smoking, obesity, and
teen births. Communities use the
Rankings to identify and garner
support for local health improvement
initiatives among government
agencies, healthcare providers,
community organizations, business
leaders, policy makers, and the public.
So where does Schuylkill County rank? Out of 67 counties in Pennsylvania, #1 being the most healthy and #67 being the least healthy. Schuylkill County is rank at #55. Do you agree? What kind of things do you think the county could do better to better improve our health?
You can review the full report for Pennsylvania at