On March 27th, 2015, Sergeant Robert Bemis had stopped along Interstate 81 southbound just south of Frackville in Schuylkill County for a vehicle fire.
Sgt. Bemis exited his vehicle, grabbed his fire extinguisher and approached the disabled vehicle.
It was then that a passing vehicle struck the cruiser, pushing it into Bemis throwing him into the air.
At the same moment the accident happened, off-duty Amtrak Police Department Sergeant Robert Cameron and Detective Charles Crandall had been traveling from the Wilkes Barre/Scranton area and witnessed the entire incident.
Cameron and Crandall immediately used their vehicle to block southbound traffic from passing the accident. They left their vehicle where they found Sergeant Bemis lying on the ground, unconscious and bleeding.
After checking the officer's vitals, Sgt. Cameron retrieved a fire extinguisher and attempted to stop the vehicle fire which was very close to where Sgt. Bemis was laying.
Detective Crandall stayed with the Sgt. Bemis, who had regained consciousness and began answering questions. Crandall remained next to Bemis using his own body to protect the injured Sergeant from the growing flames.
Cameron and Crandall remained with Bemis until emergency personnel arrived.
On Friday, May 29th, Sergeant Bemis, Sergeant Cameron, and Detective Crandall were recognized at the Pennsylvania State Police Department Awards Ceremony, Harrisburg.
Cameron and Crandall were recognized for their selfless and heroic actions and were presented with the Pennsylvania State Police Outstanding Citizenship Award.
Sergeant Bemis received the Department's Letter of Commendation. Bemis is still in a wheelchair and is recovering from his injuries.