Friday, April 13, 2018

Minersville Miners Loft Project Receives State Support

The Miners Loft project slated for Minersville will receive support from the state, according to Senator David G. Argall and Representative Neal P. Goodman.
The Miners Loft project will rehabilitate an old garment factory located on Lewis Street in Minersville into 30 senior citizen residential units. It will also feature commercial space that will be utilized for senior services including adult day care and therapy services. It is being funded through tax credits and through the PennHOMES program administered by the Pennsylvania Housing Financing Agency (PHFA). The tax credits awarded through the highly competitive process total $1,018,618 and a grant through PennHOMES of $ 1,200,000.

“This project will provide senior housing which is sorely needed in the area and will additionally assist in stimulating the local economy. We are very appreciative of the assistance of our legislative delegation” local business owner, Noble Bud Quandel said. “Miners Loft will be a positive addition to the borough, both aesthetically and economically. Many thanks to our legislators who worked in a bipartisan manner to help make this project a reality,” added local developer Craig Shields.

“These tax credits are highly competitive – only first rate projects that applied received the credits,” Argall said. “Miners Loft will assist the borough in rehabilitating a blighted building and will be a huge asset to the community. The funding for this project is critical to meeting the needs of the borough today, tomorrow and for the years to come.”

“The Miners Lofts project is yet another good thing happening in Minersville,” said Goodman. “I’ve seen the plans, and the building and lofts will be a wonderful enhancement to the downtown area. The whole community will benefit from the nice, affordable apartments, as well as the creation of new healthcare jobs. I’m thrilled the state is once again investing in Schuylkill County. ”

The total project cost is $11,539,193. Miners Loft will be comprised of over 64,000 total square feet when completed.