Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday Update from SCEMA

Schuylkill County Emergency Management provided an update Wednesday after the overnight rainfall into Wednesday morning.


Overnight Schuylkill County experienced heavy rainfall throughout the southwest region of the county causing minor flooding. The current rainfall has once again shifted to wide spread showers and continues this same outlook into Wednesday Night with some predictions still indicating a possibility of Thursday morning. The flooding that did occur, has impacted many roadways throughout the Southwest Region of Schuylkill County. Tremont, Porter/Tower, Pine Grove, and the Mahantongo Valley are continuing operations to pump water from basements, clear storm drains, maintain roadways for access, and block roadways that were deemed not viable for travel. Tremont is continuing the shelter located at the Tremont Borough Municipal building and supported by the American Red Cross. The Tremont Borough and Porter/Tower EOC’ s are also maintaining operations as well.

The county EOC will remain in operation until 6:00 P.M. this evening; afterward, EMA staff will monitor ongoing situations in concert with the 911 Communications Center.
If warranted, the EOC will return to 24 hour operation to deal with renewed flooding threats. EMA staff will begin damage assessment in the Tremont and Pine Grove areas on Thursday and Friday, in order to provide data to the state to support seeking an emergency declaration.

With the saturated grounds and the possibility of localized heavy rainfall through the next 12 hours, be cautious of flash floods and flooded roadways, especially when traveling. 511PA is a resource to check on road conditions both locally and statewide.