The August public meeting of the North Schuylkill Board of School Directors was held on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 7:00pm.
All members were present with the exception of Roy Green.
The minutes from the previous meetings were approved.
A motion was requested and approved for the financial reports and check registers.
A motion was requested to approve the sale of the following property that has been placed in the "repository for unsold properties" and an offer received:
- 45-08-0138.000 - Girardville - $1,099.00 (Hepler Voted "No", Remaining Members Approved; Passed 7-1)
- 38-02-0427.000 - Ashland - $2,264.00 (All Members Approved; Passed 8-0)
- 46-02-0001.000 - Gordon - $1,075.00 (Hepler Voted "No', Remaining Members Approved; Passed 7-1)
- 38-03-0085.000 - Ashland - $2,194.00 (All Members Approved; Passed 8-0)
A motion was requested and approved for the Vaccine Administration Program Agreement with Rite Aid as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the PenTeleData Services — General Agreement for FSCA Internet effective July 11, 2018 for a term of 60 months.
A motion was requested and approved for an agreement with Herring Roll & Solomon, P.C., Sunbury, PA for Audit Services as follows:
- Fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 $13,550
- Fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 $13,750
- Fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 $13,950
A motion was requested and approved to award the school picture contract for the 2018-2019,
2019-2020, 2020-2021 school years to Professional School Photography, Tuscarora, Pennsylvania. The contract includes a "Package F" — Class Photo.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Business Manager to open a CD with Mid Penn Bank for $179,442.21 at 1.95% retroactive to August 9, 2018. The CD is for the High School Activity Fund.
2019-2020, 2020-2021 school years to Professional School Photography, Tuscarora, Pennsylvania. The contract includes a "Package F" — Class Photo.

A motion was requested and approved for a contract with Phillips Office Solutions for two copiers effective December 1, 2018 for 48 months as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the requests for the use of district facilities.
A motion was requested and approved to approve an Administrative Internship for Edward Pavalko with Ken Roseberry, Secondary Principal for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Steve Kurtek, Behavior Specialist effective August 19, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Scott Forney as a Behavior Specialist, at a starting salary of $33,000.00 (186-day work year), pro-rated, effective for the start of the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved, in accordance with the NSSD/NSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures:
- Requested to accept the resignation of Jacqueline McMullen,Secondary Math Teacher, effective July 10, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, the following individuals as Mentor Teachers, at a rate of $500.00 per each inductee, for the 2018-2019 school year:
Mentor Inductee
Judith Rakowsky (Mentor) - Philip Tenaglia (Inductee)
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Steve Kurtek, Behavior Specialist effective August 19, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Scott Forney as a Behavior Specialist, at a starting salary of $33,000.00 (186-day work year), pro-rated, effective for the start of the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved, in accordance with the NSSD/NSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures:
- Requested to accept the resignation of Jacqueline McMullen,Secondary Math Teacher, effective July 10, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, the following individuals as Mentor Teachers, at a rate of $500.00 per each inductee, for the 2018-2019 school year:
Mentor Inductee
Judith Rakowsky (Mentor) - Philip Tenaglia (Inductee)
Angela Potts (Mentor) - Sofia Capone (Inductee)
** retroactive to January 2017 through January 2019
A motion was requested and approved, in accordance with the NSSD/NSESPA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures.
A motion was requested and approved to adjust the hourly rate for Heather McGraw as a Substitute Full-Time Secretary assigned to the Junior/Senior High School on an as needed basis for the 2018-2019 school year from $13.75 per hour to $14.50 retroactive to her start date.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tanya Stravinsky, Substitute Custodian for the Summer of 2018, effective June 25, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Janet Moyer, Part-Time Cafeteria Worker, effective July 30, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Ann Kropp as a Part-Time Aide at a rate of $9.75 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective beginning with the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved for the FMLA leave request for Tracy Sturm as submitted, for the period of 6/25/18 to a half day (a.m.) on 8/28/18.
A motion was requested and approved a salary adjustment for Danielle Koutch, Part-Time Secretary to $12.75 per hour retroactive to October 18, 2017 for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year. Effective July 1, 2018, her salary will be $13.50 for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tanya Stravinsky, PartTime Cafeteria Worker effective immediately.
A motion was requested and approved an FMLA leave request for Jennifer Himes,
Full-Time Special Education Aide for the period of August 21, 2018 (July 31 , 2018 listed on paperwork) through October 23, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved all Community Based Instruction Activities for Life Skills and Multi-Disability Students included in student IEP's, conducted off site, and approved by the Supervisor of Special Education and School Principal for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the following handbooks for the 2018-2019 school year:
- Jr./Sr. High School Student Handbook
- North Schuylkill Elementary Student Handbook
- District Staff Handbook
A motion was requested and approved the Special Education Procedural Manual for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the Paraprofessional Guidelines and Procedures for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the Section 504 Manual for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the TIPS (Teacher Induction & Preparation for Service) Manual for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the updated North Schuylkill School District LIEP (Language Instruction Education Program) Plan for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board. NOTE: This plan was previously named the ESL Program Plan.
A motion was requested and approved the 2018-2019 Title Ill: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students Memorandum of Understanding with the Schuylkill Il-J 29.
A motion was requested and approved JusticeWorks YouthCare, Inc. as an alternative school site for the North Schuylkill School District for the 2018-2019 school year at a fee of $85.00 per day for regular education and $95.00 per day for special education.
A motion was requested and approved the Memorandum of Understanding for the Bloomsburg University ACE Program as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved a Contract for Services with Schuylkill Pediatric Physical Therapy LLC for Physical Therapy Services for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved an Agreement for COTA Services with the Schuylkill Haven School District for the 2018-2019 School Year.
A motion was requested and approved designating Christopher Glessner as a Truancy Officer for the North Schuylkill School District.
A motion was requested and approved the 2018-2019 Title I Letter of Agreement between the North Schuylkill School District and the Schuylkill Intermediate unit for North Schuylkill children attending non-public schools.
A motion was requested and approved an Agreement to provide Speech Therapy Services with the Tri-Valley School District for the 2018-2019 School Year.
A motion was requested and approved an Agreement to provide Social Work Services with the Saint Clair School District for the 2018-2019 School Year.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize participation by the North Schuylkill School District in the Child Nutrition Programs between School Districts, Vo-Techs and Intermediate tJnits during the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA from the NSE PTO for 6th Grade students, teachers and chaperones on October 4, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved the appointment of Knute Brayford as the School Safety and Security Coordinator.
** retroactive to January 2017 through January 2019
A motion was requested and approved, in accordance with the NSSD/NSESPA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures.
A motion was requested and approved to adjust the hourly rate for Heather McGraw as a Substitute Full-Time Secretary assigned to the Junior/Senior High School on an as needed basis for the 2018-2019 school year from $13.75 per hour to $14.50 retroactive to her start date.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tanya Stravinsky, Substitute Custodian for the Summer of 2018, effective June 25, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Janet Moyer, Part-Time Cafeteria Worker, effective July 30, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Ann Kropp as a Part-Time Aide at a rate of $9.75 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective beginning with the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved for the FMLA leave request for Tracy Sturm as submitted, for the period of 6/25/18 to a half day (a.m.) on 8/28/18.
A motion was requested and approved a salary adjustment for Danielle Koutch, Part-Time Secretary to $12.75 per hour retroactive to October 18, 2017 for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year. Effective July 1, 2018, her salary will be $13.50 for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tanya Stravinsky, PartTime Cafeteria Worker effective immediately.
A motion was requested and approved an FMLA leave request for Jennifer Himes,

A motion was requested and approved all Community Based Instruction Activities for Life Skills and Multi-Disability Students included in student IEP's, conducted off site, and approved by the Supervisor of Special Education and School Principal for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the following handbooks for the 2018-2019 school year:
- Jr./Sr. High School Student Handbook
- North Schuylkill Elementary Student Handbook
- District Staff Handbook
A motion was requested and approved the Special Education Procedural Manual for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the Paraprofessional Guidelines and Procedures for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the Section 504 Manual for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the TIPS (Teacher Induction & Preparation for Service) Manual for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the updated North Schuylkill School District LIEP (Language Instruction Education Program) Plan for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board. NOTE: This plan was previously named the ESL Program Plan.
A motion was requested and approved the 2018-2019 Title Ill: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students Memorandum of Understanding with the Schuylkill Il-J 29.
A motion was requested and approved JusticeWorks YouthCare, Inc. as an alternative school site for the North Schuylkill School District for the 2018-2019 school year at a fee of $85.00 per day for regular education and $95.00 per day for special education.
A motion was requested and approved the Memorandum of Understanding for the Bloomsburg University ACE Program as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved a Contract for Services with Schuylkill Pediatric Physical Therapy LLC for Physical Therapy Services for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved an Agreement for COTA Services with the Schuylkill Haven School District for the 2018-2019 School Year.
A motion was requested and approved designating Christopher Glessner as a Truancy Officer for the North Schuylkill School District.
A motion was requested and approved the 2018-2019 Title I Letter of Agreement between the North Schuylkill School District and the Schuylkill Intermediate unit for North Schuylkill children attending non-public schools.
A motion was requested and approved an Agreement to provide Speech Therapy Services with the Tri-Valley School District for the 2018-2019 School Year.
A motion was requested and approved an Agreement to provide Social Work Services with the Saint Clair School District for the 2018-2019 School Year.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize participation by the North Schuylkill School District in the Child Nutrition Programs between School Districts, Vo-Techs and Intermediate tJnits during the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA from the NSE PTO for 6th Grade students, teachers and chaperones on October 4, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved the appointment of Knute Brayford as the School Safety and Security Coordinator.
A motion was requested and approved the following Supplemental Positions and salaries for the 2018-2019 school year:
- Ann Subick - 4-H Club Advisor - $850.00
- Leah Briggs - 4-H Club Advisor - $850.00
- Renata Blozousky - Yearbook Assistant Advisor - $400.00
A motion was requested and approved an agreement with Good Shepard Rehabilitation Hospital (formerly Pottsville Area Physical Therapy Services) for Athletic Trainer Services for the 2018-2019 school year at a cost of $50,610.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Jeff Merwine as a Volunteer Assistant Girls Soccer Coach for the 2018 Fall Season.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Steve Ennis as Head Girls Junior High Basketball (7th) Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,450.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Rich Wetzel as Head Girls Junior High Basketball (8th) Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,000.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Joe Himes as a Volunteer Assistant Girls Junior High Basketball Coach for the 2018 Season.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Jordan Dziczek as a Volunteer Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season.
A motion was requested and approved an agreement with Good Shepard Rehabilitation Hospital (formerly Pottsville Area Physical Therapy Services) for Athletic Trainer Services for the 2018-2019 school year at a cost of $50,610.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Jeff Merwine as a Volunteer Assistant Girls Soccer Coach for the 2018 Fall Season.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Steve Ennis as Head Girls Junior High Basketball (7th) Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,450.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Rich Wetzel as Head Girls Junior High Basketball (8th) Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,000.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Joe Himes as a Volunteer Assistant Girls Junior High Basketball Coach for the 2018 Season.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Jordan Dziczek as a Volunteer Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Ellen Geidner as a Volunteer Junior High/Junior Varsity Football Cheerleading Coach for the 2018 Fall Season.
A motion was requested and approved the second reading of the following revised policies:
124 — Alternative Instruction/Dual Credit
210.1 — Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhaters/Epinephrine Auto-injectors
810 — Transportation
810.1 — School Bus Drivers and School Commercial Motor Motor Vehicle Drivers
A motion was requested and approved the second reading of the following revised policies:
124 — Alternative Instruction/Dual Credit
210.1 — Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhaters/Epinephrine Auto-injectors
810 — Transportation
810.1 — School Bus Drivers and School Commercial Motor Motor Vehicle Drivers
A motion was requested and approved the second reading of the following policy:
810.3 — School Vehicle Drivers
A motion was requested and approved the "Third Party Conduct Guidelines" and the "Third Party Confidentiality Agreement" as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the following revised policy:
718 — Service Animals in Schools
A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the following revised policy:
217 — Graduation Requirements
810.3 — School Vehicle Drivers
A motion was requested and approved the "Third Party Conduct Guidelines" and the "Third Party Confidentiality Agreement" as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the following revised policy:
718 — Service Animals in Schools
A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the following revised policy:
217 — Graduation Requirements
No old business was presented by Superintendent Dr. Ackell.
No new business was presented by Superintendent Dr. Ackell.
No members of the public were in attendance.
Future Meetings
- Wednesday, September 12, Committee Meetings — 7:00pm
- Wednesday. September 19, Board of School Directors Regular
Meeting — 7:00 p.m.