Ashland Borough Council Meeting Notes from the September Monthly Meeting held on September 12, 2018.
All members were present with the exception of Council member Adam Bernodin.
The minutes were approved from the previous meeting.
Officer reports and bills and transfers were also approved.
Council approved the permission to advertise the Pre-Sale Inspection Ordinance and the Wild and Exotic Animal Ordinance.
Copies of the both proposed Ordinance may be examined at the office of Ashland Borough at 401 South 18th Street, Ashland, PA 17921 during normal business hours.
A proposal was approved from Benesch for the Annual Dam Inspection totaling $3,100.00
A Minimum Municipal Obligation for the Uniform Pension Plan was approved for $96,169.00
A Minimum Municipal Obligation for the Non-Uniform Pension Plan was approved for $18,625.00.
Council approved a request for change order from Benesch for Little League Field Improvements. The request was for a time extension for the project due to weather conditions. A request was also recommended to increase the contract price by $7,700 for additional grading and sod.
Request was approved to hold the Ashland Rotary Halloween Parade on 10/28/18 @ 3pm. Police and fire police were requested and approved.
Ashland's Halloween Trick or Treat Night will be held on October 31, 2018 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.
A letter from the Washington Fire Company AppleFest asking for permission to hold the 2018 Applefest on Saturday, October 13, 2018 from 11:00am to 4:00pm at the Eureka Park. The motion was approved
Council approved, if need, the staffing for the Schuylkill County Fall Clean-up in Girardville on Thursday Sept. 20th or Friday Sept. 21st.
Under other business, Council Member Cooney motioned, and Council Member Spieles seconded to advertise for a part-time code enforcement officer. The motion was approved.
Ashland Fire Chief Phil Groody reported that the Red Cross and American Hose Fire Company will be holding a fire alarm installation event near the end of October.