Board Member Janine Simms was not in attendance.
There were no members of the public attending to speak and no guests to recognize.
The minutes from the previous meetings were approved.
A motion was requested and approved for the financial reports and check registers.
All requests for use of the District's Facilities were approved.
A motion was requested and approved for an Agreement with Lehigh Law Enforcement Officers Association, Inc. for Security Services for the 2018-2019 school year. The rate will be $18.00 per hour (same rate as 2017-2018).
A motion was requested and approved for to Taia Bachman as a teacher for the ACHIEVE After School Program. The rate will be $22.00/hour.
The following motion item 6.2.2 is in accordance with the NSSD/NSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures:
A motion was requested and approved for childbearing/childrearing leave request submitted by Rachel Anderson, English Teacher, effective on or about December 12, 2018 until on or about March 4, 2019. She will use all of her available sick and personal days and then be on unpaid FMLA Leave.
The following motion items are in accordance with the NSSD/NSESPA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policies and procedures.
A motion was requested and approved for unpaid Medical Leave of Absence for Aimee Prosick, Part-Time Special Education Aide, effective September 4, 2018 until November 14, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of the following individuals as Part-Time Cafeteria Workers at a rate of $9.75 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period:
Sharon White (retroactive to 8/2/18) Krista McCabe (retroactive to 8/28/18) Jillian Bright (retroactive to 9/4/18)
A motion was requested and approved for the transfer of assignment for Dennise Wise from Part-Time Custodian to Part-Time Cafeteria effective August 27, 2018, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a one-month probationary period at the rate of $10.10 per hour.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of the following individuals as Part-Time Custodians at a rate of $9.50 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period:
Erin Dentinger (retroactive to August 26. 201 B) Tracy Boyer (retroactive to September 4. 2018)
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Helen O'Connell, Part-Time Custodiani effective August 31, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved the change of assignment for Lonnie Carl from Director of Buildings and Grounds (Act 93 Position) to District Maintenance Worker at a date yet to be determined and at the rate of $18.59/hour.
A motion was requested and approved the transfer of assignment for Jillian Bright from Part-Time Cafeteria to Part-Time Aide effective September 12, 2018, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a one-month probationary period at the rate of $9.75 per hour.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the verbal resignation of Erin Dentinger, Part-Time Custodian, effective August 31, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Superintendent to hire an individual for the position of Director of Buildings and Grounds prior to the next Board Meeting

A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Ann Kropp, Part-Time Aide, effective September 16, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tracy Sturm, Secretary, effective September 18, 2018,
A motion was requested and approved a contract with Behavioral Health Associates, Lehighton, PA, for educational services effective for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved an Affiliation Agreement with Mansfield University for Educational Field Experiences.
A motion was requested and approved the Letter of Agreement for the Provision of Student Assistance Program Services (SAP) between the North Schuylkill School District and Child and Family Support Services, Inc. for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the Letter of Agreement for Individual Student Elementary Student Assistance Program Assessments (ESAP) between the North Schuylkill School District and Child and Family Support Services, Inc. for the 2018-2019 school year.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA, for the "Young Person's Concert" from the NSE Music Department, for fifth grade students, teachers, aides and chaperones.
A motion was requested and approved the Math Honor Society By-Law Changes as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the 2018-2019 Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 Special Education Service Agreement for a total amount of $545,833 (subject to final review and audit) and authorize the Board President and Board Secretary to execute the agreement.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to the Renaissance Fair from Theresa Holman, English Teacher, for AP English, Honors English and Mythology Classes, along with chaperones. There are no costs to the District.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, for English/Writing Classes for a Creative Writing Workshop.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, new transportation drivers and aides, veteran transportation drivers and aides and transportation contractors for the 2018-2019 school year, as per the attachment.
A motion was requested and approved the 2018-2019 transportation routes and stops, and authorize administration to make changes in transportation stops and routes in response to emerging beginning-of-the-year situations.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Lake Tobias Wildlife Park, Halifax, PA, from the NSE PTO for 2nd Grade students, teachers, aides and chaperones with no costs to the District.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Rohrbach's Farm, Catawissa, PA, from the NSE PTO for Kindergarten students, teachers, aides and chaperones with no costs to the District.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Indian Echo Caverns, Hummelstown, PA, from the NSE PTO for 4th Grade students, teachers, aides and chaperones with no costs to the District.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Nashville, Tennessee, from Bill Lennox for the NS Band and chaperones with no costs to the District.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the verbat resignation of Carson Long, Assistant Football Coach, effective August 27, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved the following adjusted salary:
Fred Kushwarra — Assistant Football Coach — 2018 Season
Approved February 21, 2018 at $1 ,225.00 — adjusted to $2,450.00
A motion was requested and approved the second reading of the following revised policies:
217 — Graduation Requirements
718 — Service Animals in Schools
A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the following revised policies:
006 — Local Board Procedures
108 — Adoption of Textbooks
246 — School Wellness
311 — Reduction of Staff
704— Maintenance
806 — Child Abuse
808 — Food Services
251 — Homeless Students
A motion was requested and approved the Suicide Prevention Guidelines Act 71 for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the 2019 Slate of Candidates for the Pennsylvania School Boards Association as voted by roll call majority '0te for each office:
President-Elect - Eric Wolfgang
Vice President - Art Levinowitz
Eastern At Larqe - Maura Buri
006 — Local Board Procedures
108 — Adoption of Textbooks
246 — School Wellness
311 — Reduction of Staff
704— Maintenance
806 — Child Abuse
808 — Food Services
251 — Homeless Students
A motion was requested and approved the Suicide Prevention Guidelines Act 71 for the 2018-2019 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved the 2019 Slate of Candidates for the Pennsylvania School Boards Association as voted by roll call majority '0te for each office:
President-Elect - Eric Wolfgang
Vice President - Art Levinowitz
Eastern At Larqe - Maura Buri
Sectional Advisor — Section 4 - Dr. Gary Smedley
A motion was requested and approved the PSBA Insurance Trustee Positions as listed below. (There are currently three seats open and three candidates. You can vote for up to three individuals.)
Trustee — term ends December 31 2021
William S. LaCoff
Dr. Richard Frerichs
Nathan Mains
A motion was requested and approved the PSBA Insurance Trustee Positions as listed below. (There are currently three seats open and three candidates. You can vote for up to three individuals.)
Trustee — term ends December 31 2021
William S. LaCoff
Dr. Richard Frerichs
Nathan Mains
No old business was presented by Superintendent Dr. Ackell.
No new business was presented by Superintendent Dr. Ackell.
No members of the public were in attendance.
Future Meetings
- Wednesday, October 10, 2018, Committee Meetings — 7:00pm
- Wednesday, October 17, 2018, Committee of the Whole - 6:30pm
- Wednesday. October 17, 2018, Board of School Directors Regular
Meeting — 7:00 p.m.