The meeting began at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call.
All Board Members were present.
The board held an executive session in regards to litigation. The board returned at 7:35pm
No members of the public spoke in regards to the meetings agenda.
Board President Hepler recognized High School Principal Ken Roseberry on his recent induction to the Cedar Cliff Sports Hall of Fame as well as Board Member Douglas Gressens on his recent induction into the Jerry Wolman Northern Anthracite Chapter of Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame.
The minutes from the previous meetings were approved.
A motion was requested and approved for the financial reports and check registers.
- Ashland Public Library - $5,740.00
- Frackville Public Library - $6,580.00
- Ringtown Area Library - $1 ,680.00
A motion was requested and approved the Eric J. Meyer Scholarship Resolution as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Business Manager to open a CD with Mid Penn Bank for $350,000.00 at 1.75% for six months, retroactive to September 21, 2018.
A motion was requested to approve the sale of the following property that has been placed in the "repository for unsold properties" and an offer received:
- 38-07-0092.000 - Ashland Borough - $250.00
A role call vote was held and all board members voted "No". The motion failed.
All requests for use of the District's Facilities were approved.
A motion was requested and approved for the proposal from Caretti Restoration and Preservation Services, LLC, Berwick, PA, for resetting and capping displaced precast copings at NSE at a cost of $10,850.00, as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Ralph DeFrain as Director of Buildings and Grounds effective when released from current position and pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a six-month probationary period at a salary of $58,500.00 (pro-rated).
A motion was requested and approved the supervision of Jamie Damiter by Sadie Hart twice a month in the classroom working with students
as part of Ms.

A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Shawn Gibbons, Secondary Health and Physical Education Teacher, effective immediately.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Lonnie Carl, Maintenance Worker, effective September 30, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Heather McGraw as a Full-Time Secretary at a rate of $15.00 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective October 18, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved a medical leave of absence for Jessica Harris, Part-Time Custodian effective on or about October 23, 2018 until on or about December 4, 2018. She will use all available sick and personal days before being on unpaid leave.
A motion was requested and approved the transfer of assignment for Krista McCabe from Part-Time Cafeteria to Part-Time Special Education Aide effective October 22, 2018, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a one-month probationary period at the rate of $9.75 per hour.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Michelle Walnock as a Part-Time Special Education Aide at a rate of $9.75 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective October 22, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to The Whitaker Center, Harrisburg, PA, from Kelly Boyer, Science Teacher for Human Physiology and AP Biology Students, Teachers and Chaperones.
A motion was requested and approved the revised North Schuylkill School District Dual Credit Flyer.
A motion was requested and approved the IDEA — Section 619 Pass Through Funds Use of Funds Agreement 2018-2019.
A motion was requested and approved the Y.E.S. Program Class Field Trip to the Penn State Hazleton Campus, Hazleton, PA, on October 22, 2018.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Hershey Chocolate World, Hershey, PA from the NSE PTO for 1st Grade students, teachers and chaperones.
A motion was requested and approved a field trip request to Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway, Jim Thorpe, PA from the NSE PTO for Kindergarten students, teachers and chaperones.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Sammi (Phillips) Hart, as Head Diving Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $2,150.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Marcie Acketl, as an Assistant Swim Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $1,850.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Michael Anthony, as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $1,700.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Kieran Connors, as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $2,450.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Mick Michalik as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach (9th Grade) for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $3,650.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, William Bracey, as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $1,550.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Jake Damiter, as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $1,400.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Steve M. Ennis, as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $2,450.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Joe Himes, as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $11700.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the following individuals as Volunteer Girls Basketball Coaches for the 2018-2019 Winter Season:
- Steve R. Ennis
- John Chernewski
- Jay Gawrylick
- Brett Ennis
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Ed Tarantelli, as an Assistant Wrestling Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $2,000.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Scott Yagielniskie, as an Assistant Wrestling Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $1,550.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Tom Edwards, as an Assistant Wrestling Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season at a salary of $1 ,850.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Jason Kessler, as a Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach for the 2018-2019 Winter Season.
A motion was requested and approved the second reading of the following revised policies:
- 006 - Local Board Procedures
- 108 - Adoption of Textbooks
- 246 - School Wellness
- 311 - Reduction of Staff
- 704 - Maintenance
- 806 - Child Abuse

- 251 - Homeless Students
A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the following policies:
- 125 — Alternative Instruction/Dual Credit
- 810.4 — Transportation of Kindergarten Students and Students Who Need Adult Supervision
No old business was presented by Superintendent Dr. Ackell.
No new business was presented by Superintendent Dr. Ackell.
No members of the public were in attendance.
Future Meetings
- Wednesday, November 7, 2018, Committee Meetings — 9:00am (With HS Student Body)
- Wednesday, November 14, 2018, Committee of the Whole - 6:30pm
- Wednesday. November 14, 2018, Board of School Directors Regular
Meeting — 7:00 p.m.