The meeting was opened by Council President Thom Maziekas with the Pledge of Allegiance and immediately the floor was open for public comment.
The first borough resident to speak was in regards to someone putting trash in her garbage can in the 300 block of West Pine Street. Cpl. Kovalewski responded and told the resident that if this happens, she should contact Schuylkill County Communications to dispatch an officer so they can investigate whose trash it is. Kovalewski took her information and an officer was going to investigate.
The next question came from resident asking what they should do with extra garbage that does not fit into the can provided. He reported that extra garbage he had was left by County Waste. Eric Lieberman, the borough's solicitor, responded and told the residents to contact County Waste, and if it is not resolved to ask for an immediate supervisor.
The next resident asked about two settlements that were motioned and approved to be paid at the last meeting. The question was what were the settlements for? President Maziekas responded that if anyone would like to know, they would have to file a "Right to Know" request.
Another resident had another issue with a neighbor putting out their garbage near her kitchen window and it smelled. The borough code enforcement officer Bill Killian responded that the person responsible has already been sent a "notice of violation".
A reading and approval of last month's meeting minutes were motioned and seconded.
All reports from borough officers were approved.
Borough manager and Code Enforcement gave a report for 2018. Updates were provided on the Market Street Project near Borough Hall. Due to the nicer weather the project is moving along as scheduled.
At the new Kaier's Park, the swingset and mulch have been installed, and a kazebo is being worked on.
In regards to demolition properties, in 2018, 2 private demolitions were completed and used the borough's dumpster program, 2 emergency demolitions were completed, 7 project through the Schuylkill County Land Bank, 7 through the County, with a total of 18 demolitions for 2018.
Under new business, Vice President Burke read a letter they received from the Bonzai Brew Works, from Hegins to request the use of a site license under the borough's brewery license to open a tasting room in the City Seafood and Steakhouse, in the borough. The request was motioned to provide the letter to be review by the borough's solicitor.
An Amendment was motioned and approved for the General Fund Budget to reduce line items 411.256 through 411.260 each to zero; rename line item 411.231 to "Fire Service" with a budget amount of $9,200 and reduce line item 492.30 (Transfer to Blight) by $9,200 to $77,600.
A motion was made to approve Ordinance 2018-2 to increase the percentage of earned income tax imposed of the people physically residing in the borough to 2%.
A motion was made to approve Ordinance 2018-3 adopting the 2019 budget for the Borough of Mahanoy City.
A motion was made to approve Ordinance 2018-4 adopting the 2019 real estate tax millages for the borough of Mahanoy City.
A motion was made to approve Resolution 2018-19 authorizing the issuance of a tax and revenue anticipation note in the amount of $120,000.00.
A motion was made and approved to resolve an outstanding insurance claim for Kaier's Demolition.
A discussion was immediately "tabled" to discuss the Shenandoah Sentinel on doing a "piece" on the town.
A brief discussion was held and a vote was held to take over the Bus Barn. A roll call vote was held and resulted in a unanimous "no". The motion failed.
A motion was made and approved after Chilewski Enterprises submitted their application for payment for the Kaier's Playground Project in the amount of $57,758.40. The application was reviewed by Benesch and recommended full payment contingent upon the certified payrolls through December 5, 2018.
A motion was made and approved the lease agreement with the Mahanoy Area School District which extends for East End Park until December 31st, 2043.
A handicap application was approved.
Councilman McCabe thanked everyone who came out and braved the weather during the borough's Christmas Tree lighting and bar crawl. A special thanks were given to Tom Ward, Bowers Home Improvement, West End Fire and Rescue, Humane Fire, Mahanoy City Social who sponsored the tree and the lights since 1937, Master of Cermonies Francis Burke, Kristen Nunez. He also gave a very special thanks to the Mahanoy Area Band and chorus. "All those kids showed up and it was pouring, all the kids came out. It was a true testament to these kids. We were so proud of them. It was amazing. added McCabe.
Council then moved itself into an executive session.
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