Thursday, March 14, 2019

PennDOT Announces New Vehicle Registration Plates

Recent legislation allows the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to now offer many new types of vehicle registration plates to its customers.

Five of the new plates offer recognition for veterans, with two special funds plates and a historic military vehicle registration plate rounding out the new offerings.

Proceeds from the two special funds plates will help raise funds for worthy causes. The first of these is a new Distracted Driving Awareness registration plate. It is available for a motorcycle and a passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds or a motor home. The plate costs $40 with proceeds used to advance public education and outreach on the dangers posed by distracted driving. The other is an Honoring Our Women Veterans registration plate, available for a passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds. Fifteen dollars of the plate's $35 cost goes to the Veterans Trust Fund to be used for programs and resources that assist women veterans.

Three of the new plates - the Soldiers Medal registration plate, the Presidential Service Badge registration plate and the Legion of Merit registration plate - recognize veterans' special contributions during their service. All are available for passenger cars or trucks with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds for a fee of $20. Veterans must be able to show that they are recipients of the respective awards.

New for motorcycle owners is the Purple Heart Medal Motorcycle registration plate, which displays the words "Combat Wounded Veteran" across the bottom of the registration plate. Applicants must provide proof that they were the recipient of a Purple Heart Medal. Purple Heart registration plates are available for a fee of $11.

Our comrades-in-arms from other countries can apply for a Veterans of an Allied Foreign Country registration plate. It may be used on passenger cars or trucks with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds. The fee for the plate is $20.

Among the selection of new plates is a Historic Military Vehicle registration plate. This registration plate is for antique or classic vehicles that were manufactured for use in any country's military forces. The vehicles must be maintained to represent their original military design and markings. This plate is available for both historic military vehicles and historic military motorcycles. The fee for either military vehicle or motorcycle plates is $75.

More information, to include eligibility requirements and images of registration plates, is available at by checking Registration Plates under Vehicle Services.