At 6:30pm, the Committee of the Whole Meeting was held where they recognized the Students of the Month for May as well as the district's retirees.
The following student was recognized from North Schuylkill Elementary
- Flor Altuna-Luna, Kindergarten nominated by Mrs. Borden & Mrs. Jones
The following students were recognized from North Schuylkill Jr./Sr. High School
- Ainsley Brayford, 7th Grade nominated by Ms. Kunkel, Ms. Palmerio, and Ms. Colangecco
- Martin Mantz, 7th Grade nominated by Mr. Wetzel
- Colin Haas, 8th Grade nominated by Ms. Furman
- Michael Galluppi, 9th Grade nominated by Ms. Furman
- Alexa Prosick, 11th Grade nominated by Ms. Moyer
- Cade Ermert, 11th Grade nominated by STC Carpentry
- Savannah Wagner, 12th Grade nominated by STC ECCE
- Richard Weikel, 12th Grade nominated by STC Carpentry
The two retirees from the district were recognized were the Elementary Librarian, Douglas Demsko, and Diane Reed, a Part-Time Cafeteria Worker.
At 7:00pm, the Public Meeting began with Council Member Maryanne Woodward being the only member absent.
The meetings of minutes from prior meetings were approved along with reports from the financial committee.
A motion was requested and approved a Real Estate Tax Exemption for a Disabled Veteran for parcel # 45-07-0133.000 in accordance with tax exemption regulations specified in House Bill 1878, dated March 17, 1978.
A motion was requested and approved a change order, COP# 1, from Field Turf USA, Inc. based on 100% completion of the design and permitting process, over and above the original Stormwater Infiltration System Contingency funds, for cost increases for additional depth of stone, associated excavation and additional stormwater retention infrastructure to meet the requirements set forth by PADEP and the County Conservation District. The change order is $53,398.70 for 100% Permit Plans Proposal and $2,015.04 for performance and payment bond for a total cost of $55,413.74.
A motion was requested and approved a Real Estate Tax Exemption for a Disabled Veteran for parcel # 45-07-0133.000 in accordance with tax exemption regulations specified in House Bill 1878, dated March 17, 1978.
A motion was requested and approved a change order, COP# 1, from Field Turf USA, Inc. based on 100% completion of the design and permitting process, over and above the original Stormwater Infiltration System Contingency funds, for cost increases for additional depth of stone, associated excavation and additional stormwater retention infrastructure to meet the requirements set forth by PADEP and the County Conservation District. The change order is $53,398.70 for 100% Permit Plans Proposal and $2,015.04 for performance and payment bond for a total cost of $55,413.74.
A motion was requested and approved the School District's "Final Budget" for the 2019-2020 fiscal year in the amount of $30,714,288.00 in accordance with School Board Policy. The budget was unanimously approved 7-0.
A motion was made and approved to establish the current local taxes and to set up real estate tax rates in accordance with School Board Policy as follows in support of the budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year with an increase of 1.0 mill for Schuylkill County and Columbia Real Estate Taxes. A 1.0% Real Estate transfer tax was also approved.
A motion was made and approved the Real Estate and Occupational Assessment Tax payments as follows:
- Discount Period End August 31, 2019
- Regular (face amount) period end October 31, 2019
- Tax Installments no later than the following dates:
- August 31, 2019
- September 30, 2019
- October 31, 2019
A motion was requested and denied the offer $275.00 of 312 McKnight Street, Gordon, which was placed on the "repository for unsold properties". President Chaz Hepler also noted that this sale was denied by the borough of Gordon as well.
A motion was requested and approved the sale of 719 West John Street, Frackville for $1,249.00, , which was placed on the "repository for unsold properties".
A motion was requested and approved the sale of 312 McKnight Street, Gordon for $1.00, which was placed on the "repository for unsold properties".
A motion was requested and approved UPMC Health Benefits Inc., as the Insurance Advisor for Workers Compensation Insurance for the 2019-2020 school year at a cost of $86,750.00.
A motion was requested and approved to designate PLGITI PA INVEST, PSDLAF, M & T, BB&T and Mid Penn Banks as depositories for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Business Manager to open a 9-month CD with
Mid Penn Bank for $100,000.00 at 2% retroactive to May 29, 2019.

A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Business Manager to open a 12-month CD with Mid Penn Bank for $182,054.25 at 2.2% retroactive to May 29, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to approve the Seltzer Insurance Agency, Schuylkill Haven, PA as the Insurance Advisor for Property and Liability Insurance for the 2019-2020 school year at a cost or $73,785.00.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Business Manager to open a 9-month CD with Mid Penn Bank for $251 ,228.77 at 2% retroactive to June 14, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to authorize the Solicitor to defend the tax assessment appeal from The Community Mission.
The use of Physical Facilities were approved.
A motion was requested and approved a stipend of $500.00 each to Jamie Johnson and Elizabeth Roberts for their ServSafe Certification. [Note: This certification for three full-time cafeteria workers (one was previously approved) will expire in November 12, 2023 and is a stipend for the five-year period.]
A motion was requested and approved to appoint Dr. Rob Thurjch, Ashland, as the School Doctor for the North Schuylkill School District for the 2019-2020 school year at the following rates:
- Non-Athletic Physical Exams: $8.00 per child (same since 2011-2012)
- IEP Reviews: $8.00 per child (same since 2011-2012)
A motion was requested and approved to appoint Dr. Frank Blozousky, Frackville, as the School Dentist for the North Schuylkill School District at the rate of $3.00 per child examined for the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Sarah Campbell as a lifeguard and/or swim instructor at the Junior/Senior High School Swimming Pool at a rate of $8.50 per hour.
A motion was requested and approved A motion was requested and approved Lindsay Furman as a teacher for the ACHIEVE After School Program. The rate will be $23.40/hour.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Nathan Griffin as a Temporary Part-Time Summer Information Technology (IT) Worker effective June 17, 2019 to August 16, 2019 at a rate of $13.00/hour. Hours worked will be as needed.
A motion was requested and approved the issuance of permanent contracts, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Public School Code, to the following temporary professional employees who have completed three years of satisfactory service: Maria Zangari, Cody Kelly
A motion was requested and approved a childbearing/childrearing leave request submitted by Ellen Geidner, Elementary Physical Education Teacher, effective on or about October 12, 2019, until on or about January 16, 2020. She will use approximately 30 sick days and then be on unpaid FMLA leave.
A motion was requested and approved a childbearing/childrearing leave request submitted by Patricia Dougherty-Wade, Social Studies Teacher, effective on or about October 29, 2019, until on or about February 3, 2020. She will use be on unpaid FMLA leave.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Megan Gierka, Elementary Teacher, effective August 5, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Madelyn Zink, Elementary Art Teacher, effective June 30, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to approve a salary adjustment for Valerie Dinich, Elementary Teacher who is currently at $58,452.00, Step 16, Bachelors + 30. The salary should be $58,996.00, Step 17, Bachelors + 30.
A motion was requested and approved to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Kelsey Somers as an Elementary Teacher at a starting salary of $38,000.00, Step 1, Bachelor's, effective beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved to acknowledge the transfer/change of assignment for the following individual beginning with the 2019-2020 school year: Scott Houser — 5th Grade to Title I Math Teacher.
A motion was requested and approved the following individuals as Mentor Teachers, at a rate of $500.00 per each inductee, for the 2019-2020 school year:
Jacqueline O'Prey(Mentor) to Mary Lou Leibensperger (Inductee)
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Sarah Campbell as a lifeguard and/or swim instructor at the Junior/Senior High School Swimming Pool at a rate of $8.50 per hour.
A motion was requested and approved A motion was requested and approved Lindsay Furman as a teacher for the ACHIEVE After School Program. The rate will be $23.40/hour.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Nathan Griffin as a Temporary Part-Time Summer Information Technology (IT) Worker effective June 17, 2019 to August 16, 2019 at a rate of $13.00/hour. Hours worked will be as needed.
A motion was requested and approved the issuance of permanent contracts, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Public School Code, to the following temporary professional employees who have completed three years of satisfactory service: Maria Zangari, Cody Kelly
A motion was requested and approved a childbearing/childrearing leave request submitted by Ellen Geidner, Elementary Physical Education Teacher, effective on or about October 12, 2019, until on or about January 16, 2020. She will use approximately 30 sick days and then be on unpaid FMLA leave.
A motion was requested and approved a childbearing/childrearing leave request submitted by Patricia Dougherty-Wade, Social Studies Teacher, effective on or about October 29, 2019, until on or about February 3, 2020. She will use be on unpaid FMLA leave.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Megan Gierka, Elementary Teacher, effective August 5, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Madelyn Zink, Elementary Art Teacher, effective June 30, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to approve a salary adjustment for Valerie Dinich, Elementary Teacher who is currently at $58,452.00, Step 16, Bachelors + 30. The salary should be $58,996.00, Step 17, Bachelors + 30.
A motion was requested and approved to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Kelsey Somers as an Elementary Teacher at a starting salary of $38,000.00, Step 1, Bachelor's, effective beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved to acknowledge the transfer/change of assignment for the following individual beginning with the 2019-2020 school year: Scott Houser — 5th Grade to Title I Math Teacher.
A motion was requested and approved the following individuals as Mentor Teachers, at a rate of $500.00 per each inductee, for the 2019-2020 school year:
Jacqueline O'Prey(Mentor) to Mary Lou Leibensperger (Inductee)
Kendyl Moyer (Mentor) to Kayla Witt (Inductee)
Brian Wolfe (Mentor) to Kesley Somers (Inductee)
Tim Hysock (Mentor) to Michael Yablonsky (Inductee)
A motion was requested and approved a Leave Without Pay Request for Pamela Holmes, Part-Time Aide on April 2, 2019 and May 20 through May 24, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Eugene Zdiera as a Temporary Part-Time Summer Maintenance/Custodian for the Summer of 2019 at a rate of $9.50 per hour, effective June 10, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved an adjustment to the hourly rate for Robert Jenkins, Maintenance Specialist, from an increase of $1.75/hour to $1.00/hour retroactive to July 1, 2018. He had been previously approved to this classification and rate increase on April 17, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved an extension of the childbearing/childrearing leave request submitted by Jennifer Cogan, Full-Time Secretary. She will be returning on July 15, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved the termination of Jessica Troutman, Part-Time Cafeteria Worker, effective November 19, 2018, due to job abandonment.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of Christian Klinger as a Full-Time District Maintenance Worker at a rate of $13.50 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective May 29, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of William Walter as a Full-Time District Maintenance Worker at a rate of $13.50 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective May 30, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved the resignation of Craig Fuller, Part-Time Custodian, effective June 4, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved , upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of William Walter as a Full-Time District Maintenance Worker at a rate of $13.50 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective May 30, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved the resignation of Craig Fuller, Part-Time Custodian, effective June 4, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Jessica Matern, Part-Time
Special Education Aide, effective August 2019. Ms. Matern will be added to the Substitute Paraprofessional Roster effective August 2019.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of the following individuals as Part-Time Paraprofessionals at a rate of $10.00 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective for the start of the 2019-2020 school year: Kathleen Farrone and Amanda Reed.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tara Kabbeko, Part-Time Custodian, effective June 24, 2019.
Special Education Aide, effective August 2019. Ms. Matern will be added to the Substitute Paraprofessional Roster effective August 2019.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, the employment of the following individuals as Part-Time Paraprofessionals at a rate of $10.00 per hour, pending a written satisfactory evaluation after a 60-day probationary period, effective for the start of the 2019-2020 school year: Kathleen Farrone and Amanda Reed.
A motion was requested and approved to accept the resignation of Tara Kabbeko, Part-Time Custodian, effective June 24, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved to acknowledge the graduation of the Class of 2019 that took place on June 4, 2019. The attached list of students completed all requirements as attested by the principal and diplomas were awarded at the graduation exercises.
A motion was requested and approved to approve a Letter of Agreement between the North Schuylkill School District and The Meadows Psychiatric Center for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.
A motion was requested and approved the Letter of Agreement for the Provision of Student Assistance Program Services (SAP) between the North Schuylkill School District and Child and Family Support Services, inc. for the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the Letter of Agreement for Individual Student Elementary Student Assistance Program Assessments (ESAP) between the North Schuylkill School District and Child and Family Support Services, Inc. for the 2019-2020 school year.
6.3.5 A motion is requested to approve the following handbooks for the 2019-2020 school year:
Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook
North Schuylkill Elementary Student Handbook
District Staff Handbook
A motion was requested and approved a Business Associate Agreement and a Letter of Agreement between Safety Net Counseling, Inc. and the North Schuylkill School District for the provision of B.H.R.S. and Partial Hospitalization Services effective July 1, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved a contract with Behavioral Health Associates (BHA) for services as outlined in the agreement effective for the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the Intent to Participate Agreement for the 2019-2020 Title Ill: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students with the Schuylkill Il-J 29.
A motion was requested and approved Edmentum for EdOptions Academy Courses for students for the 2019-2020 school year at a total cost of $71 ,550.00.
A motion was requested and approved the following meal prices effective with the 2019-2020 school year:
Breakfast Lunch
Elementary $1.20 Elementary $2.25 Secondary $1.45 Secondary $2.50 Reduced $ .30 Reduced $ .40
Adult $1.95 Adult $3.50
Ala see attached Ala Carte see attached
6.4.2 A motion is requested to approve the Resolution Implementing the National Incident Management System as presented to the Board.
6.4.3 A motion is requested to approve a field trip request to the Philadelphia Zoo, Philadelphia, PA, from the NSE PTO for Fifth Grade students, teachers and chaperones on September 25, 2019.
6.5 Extracurricular Proqrams (Douglas Gressens — Chairperson, Janine Simms, Roy Green)
6.5.1 A motion is requested to approve the following adjusted salary:
Carl Stine Assistant Football Coach — 2019 Fall Season
Approved April 17, 2019 at $2,750.00 - adjusted to $3,350.00
6.5.2 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Ellen Geidner as a Junior Varsity Basketball Cheerleading Advisor and a Junior High Wrestling Cheerleading Advisor for the 2019-2020 Winter Season at a salary of $1.000.00.
6.5.3 approve a trip for North Schuylkill Students to Italy from June 21 to June 30, 2022 at no cost to the District.
A motion was requested and approved to approve a Letter of Agreement between the North Schuylkill School District and The Meadows Psychiatric Center for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.
A motion was requested and approved the Letter of Agreement for the Provision of Student Assistance Program Services (SAP) between the North Schuylkill School District and Child and Family Support Services, inc. for the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the Letter of Agreement for Individual Student Elementary Student Assistance Program Assessments (ESAP) between the North Schuylkill School District and Child and Family Support Services, Inc. for the 2019-2020 school year.
6.3.5 A motion is requested to approve the following handbooks for the 2019-2020 school year:
Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook
North Schuylkill Elementary Student Handbook
District Staff Handbook
A motion was requested and approved a Business Associate Agreement and a Letter of Agreement between Safety Net Counseling, Inc. and the North Schuylkill School District for the provision of B.H.R.S. and Partial Hospitalization Services effective July 1, 2019.
A motion was requested and approved a contract with Behavioral Health Associates (BHA) for services as outlined in the agreement effective for the 2019-2020 school year.
A motion was requested and approved the Intent to Participate Agreement for the 2019-2020 Title Ill: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students with the Schuylkill Il-J 29.
A motion was requested and approved Edmentum for EdOptions Academy Courses for students for the 2019-2020 school year at a total cost of $71 ,550.00.
A motion was requested and approved the following meal prices effective with the 2019-2020 school year:
Breakfast Lunch
Elementary $1.20 Elementary $2.25 Secondary $1.45 Secondary $2.50 Reduced $ .30 Reduced $ .40
Adult $1.95 Adult $3.50
Ala see attached Ala Carte see attached
6.4.2 A motion is requested to approve the Resolution Implementing the National Incident Management System as presented to the Board.
6.4.3 A motion is requested to approve a field trip request to the Philadelphia Zoo, Philadelphia, PA, from the NSE PTO for Fifth Grade students, teachers and chaperones on September 25, 2019.
6.5 Extracurricular Proqrams (Douglas Gressens — Chairperson, Janine Simms, Roy Green)
6.5.1 A motion is requested to approve the following adjusted salary:
Carl Stine Assistant Football Coach — 2019 Fall Season
Approved April 17, 2019 at $2,750.00 - adjusted to $3,350.00
6.5.2 A motion is requested to approve, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Ellen Geidner as a Junior Varsity Basketball Cheerleading Advisor and a Junior High Wrestling Cheerleading Advisor for the 2019-2020 Winter Season at a salary of $1.000.00.
6.5.3 approve a trip for North Schuylkill Students to Italy from June 21 to June 30, 2022 at no cost to the District.
Elementary-Breakfast - $1.20
Elementary-Lunch - $2.25
Secondary-Breakfast - $1.45
Secondary-Lunch - $2.50
Reduced Breakfast - .30
Reduced Breakfast - .40
Adult Breakfast - $1.95
Adult Lunch - $3.50
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of alt appropriate documentation, Jordann Bridy as Head Cross Country Coach for the 2019 Fall Season at a salary of $2,500.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Nick Brayford as Head Baseball Coach for the Spring 2020 Season at a salary of $5,100.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Dominick Grasso as Head Softball Coach for the Spring 2020 Season at a salary of $4,300.00.
A motion was requested and approved, upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, Robert Shaffer as Head Track and Field Coach for the Spring 2020 Season at a salary of $4,000.00.
A motion was requested and approved the North Schuylkill School District Organizational Chart for the 2019-2020 school year as presented to the Board.
A motion was requested and approved a contract for professional services with PSBA for the merging of the Employee sections of the policy manual.