According to the Pennsylvania State Police, the crash occurred just after 3:00pm on Monday, when John Paduhovich, 29, of York was operating a 2016 Hino 338 truck and attempted to merging from the east shoulder onto Route 61 north. Gary Purcell, 61, of Pottsville was operating a 2012 Honda Goldwing and travelling north on Route 61 at the same time.
Paduhovich reportedly attempted to make a U turn at the intersection of Centre Turnpike (Route 61) and Hollenbush Lane in front of Purcell. Purcell swerved to avoid but became lodged underneath Paduhovich's truck.
Purcell was pronounced dead at the scene by Schuylkill County Deputy Coroners Albert Barnes and Jarrit Geiger.
Route 61 southbound was closed in the area Monday evening as a Pennsylvania State Police Crash Reconstruction Team investigated the crash.