Monday, November 11, 2019

High School Students Learn About Military and Veterans Day from Service Members Past and Present

On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, the North Schuylkill High School held their annual Veteran's Day Program.

The program recognized and honored area Veterans but also gave some insight into what it's like to be in the military today.

The program was opened by North Schuylkill Social Studies teachers John Cuthie and Pete Stanakis.  Cuthie and Stanakis also organized the program.

They had invited Veteran's to attend where they were provided a light breakfast prior to the program.  Twelve members from the Ashland American Legion and Ashland VFW attended the event.

For this year's program, Cuthie interviewed two North Schuylkill graduates that are currently serving in the military.  The interviews were recorded prior via video conferencing.

The first interview was with Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Chris Rice, a 1993 graduate, a native of Ashland, and currently stationed in Germany.  The interview was also a surprise to Frank Rice, one of the veterans in attendance.

Rice talked about what it was like to be in the military and his movement from country to country.

The second interview was with Maj. Mark S. Boychak, a 2003 Graduate, a native of Frackville, and a graduate of West Point Academy, New York.  Boychak spoke about his time at the Academy and how he joined the military.

After the interviews, the veterans in attendance and on stage, introduced themselves to the students, talked about where they were stationed, and their duties.

The program concluded with the North Schuylkill Treble Makers, who sang "Let Freedom Ring" and "God Bless America".

As students left the auditorium to head back to class, they shook the hands of each of the veterans and thanked them for their service.