Sunday, November 3, 2019

Signs of Support for Leiby Appear Around Borough of Ashland

Over the weekend, signs of support for an injured North Schuylkill football player appeared around the borough of Ashland.

On Friday, October 25, 2019, Jaden Leiby, North Schuylkill's quarterback, was injured during the 3rd quarter of their game with Pottsville.  Leiby went in for a tackle during a play and broke his neck and has been hospitalized.

Since then, there has been an outpouring of support from Schuylkill County and beyond.

This weekend, the borough of Ashland displayed their support in the form of banners.

The banners, which were donated and hung by local citizens, businesses, and organizations, are located at 4 locations to show the borough is supporting #6 in his recovery.

The first can be found on Hoffman Boulevard as you enter the borough from Butler Township.

The second is on the Mother's Memorial.

The third and fourth are at Memorial Field and the Ashland Little League Field.  Both of these locations are where Leiby played as a Black Diamond to start his football career and played Little League baseball.