Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alfred Benesch & Co. Donates to STC Food Truck

Representatives from the Pottsville Office of Alfred Benesch & Co. presented a $1000 check to Schuylkill Technology Center Food Truck Project. 

Staff from Alfred Benesch & Co. read about the project in the newspaper and heard from STC Staff about students from each program of study working together to build the truck and thought it was fitting project for an engineering company to support, said, Project Manager Jennifer Kowalonek.
Pictured Left to Right: Front Row: Jesse Krasnitsky, Collision Instructor for STC, Mary Ann Grabish, Project Assistant and Jennifer Kowalonek, Project Manager for Alfred Benesch & co. Second Row: Kevin Barrell, Schuylkill Haven; Justin Schade, Blue Mountain; William Luckenbill, Daniel Cook, and Chris Mc Coach of Alfred Benesch & Co. as well as Jim Gurcsik, STC Culinary Instructor.