Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Meuser Issues Statement on President Trump's State of the Union Address

Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-09) issued the following statement after President Trump delivered his 2020 State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress:
“President Trump again delivered a message of optimism for our country and resolve to continue keeping promises to the American people. In the Trump Administration’s fourth year, our country is experiencing the full impact of pro-growth policies, such as better trade deals, an emphasis on skills training, lower taxes, and regulatory relief. These results, along with a more secure border, a foreign policy based on the principle of peace through strength, and renewed energy independence, prove the Great American Comeback is well underway.”

“Our country and Pennsylvania are prospering again. Since the President’s election, 7 million jobs have been created nationwide – 162,000 in Pennsylvania alone. In our great Commonwealth, entrepreneurship has surged since 2017 and the more than 300 Opportunity Zones throughout Pennsylvania have endowed our communities with the promise of economic growth and greater opportunity.”

“I have seen firsthand the Trump Administration’s commitment to our state when I have joined President Trump, Vice President Pence, and other Administration officials on their visits to Pennsylvania. House Republican leaders, including Leader Kevin McCarthy, Whip Steve Scalise, and Conference Chair Liz Cheney, have visited as well, and I am glad to know of their commitment to Pennsylvania’s future.”

“To keep our future bright, we must keep our economy firing on all cylinders and provide necessary supports to develop a 21st Century workforce. The President’s Pledge to America’s Workers is helping to catalyze a reskilling revolution and close a skills gap that has left 1 million open jobs nationwide. I fully support this initiative and will work to ensure its benefits reach every corner of Pennsylvania’s Ninth District.”

“Hardworking Pennsylvanians and Americans make our communities and country strong, and this Administration has demonstrated its incredible support for them. Through greater education choice and affordability, the next generation can meet new challenges and seize unimaginable opportunities. Congress must work with President Trump on this and on long overdue reform to lower prescription drug prices, eliminate surprise medical bills, and lower the cost of healthcare overall without diminishing quality of care.”

“On the world stage, the United States has reclaimed our mantle of global leadership. New trade deals have ushered in a new era of free, fair, and reciprocal trade. A message of strength has kept
America safe, reassured our allies, and kept our enemies on alert. Critical investments in modernizing and rebuilding our military have improved readiness and empowered America to lead again. With modern equipment and investments in space and cyber readiness that had long been neglected, America is no longer reluctant to lead. America seeks peace through strength, is resolved in its efforts, and requires accountability from every nation.”

“In his fourth year as President, the results are clear: President Trump continues to deliver for the American people, disprove conventional wisdom, and set our country on a path to a decade of prosperity, peace, and American exceptionalism. I look forward to continuing to work with the Trump Administration and a pro-growth Congress to implement an ambitious and optimistic agenda for our country’s future.”