Sunday, April 26, 2020

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Statewide Total Confirmed Cases Passes 40,000

On Sunday, April 26th, 2020, over 300 positive cases have been reported in Schuylkill County.

In Schuylkill County, the current total of positive cases in Schuylkill County is 321 with 1,803 have tested negative for the virus.

The daily update the Department of Health also shows that Pennsylvania diagnosed 1,116 new cases Statewide since Saturday.  The current number of  Statewide confirmed cases is 41,165 as of Midnight.

According to the Department of Health 157,428 have tested negative since testing began.

Five deaths have been reported as confirmed from the virus.  The Statewide death total stands at 1,550.

The following stats have been released for Schuylkill County's surrounding counties:

Berks:  2,491 Positive, 88 Deaths
Carbon: 163 Positive, 12 Deaths
Columbia:  269 Positive, 7 Deaths
Dauphin:  519 Positive, 18 Deaths
Lebanon:  612 Positive, 7 Deaths
Lehigh:  2,601 Positive, 51 Deaths
Luzerne:  2,008 Positive, 67 Deaths
Northumblerland:  90 Positive