Monday, April 6, 2020

McAdoo Mayor Enacts Curfew

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Mayor of McAdoo has declared a state of emergency which included the announcement of a nightly curfew.

In a statement from Mayor Dane Watro, he stated, "Despite our best efforts and the declarations of Governor Tom Wolf, many citizens of the Borough have disregarded the directions we have provided.  We need to act now and enforce the necessary social distancing need to keep our community safe.".

The curfew that was enacted will occur between 8:00pm and 6:00am which will prohibit individuals from being on public streets including driving on Borough owned streets  or any other public place during that time.

Also announced was a ban prohibiting gathering larger than 4 people (not immediate family members) in public places any time during the day

It also prohibited vehicles parked or stopped within the Borough limits with four or more individuals (Not immediate family members)

Individuals that are exempt from the above restrictions are:
- any individual traveling to or from a life sustaining business
- any individual providing or supporting government services
- Law enforcement officers engaged in duty
- Any individual action reasonably calculated to be essential to the health and wellness of a pet