The meeting was originally scheduled to began at 7:00pm via teleconferencing but the meeting was delayed until 7:18pm due to technical difficulties.
Present for the meeting were President Groody, Vice-President Spieles, Mr. Bernodin, Mr. Cooney, Mrs. Korn, Mr. Menne, Mrs. Wesner, Mayor Walacavage, Solicitor Securda, Police Chief Daley, Fire Chief Groody, and Borough Manager Jones were present. Deputy Health/Code Officer Lyden was absent.
A motion was made by Mr. Spieles; seconded by Mr. Bernodin to table the approval of minutes, officer’s reports & bills and transfers until next month due to the teleconference. The motion carried.
Under business:
A motion was made by Mr. Bernodin; seconded by Mrs. Korn to continue the disaster declaration until it is terminated by the commonwealth. The motion carried.
Borough Manager Jones explained that the work consists of paving Walnut Street from 22nd street to 25th street and paving Spruce Street from 22nd street to 25th street. A motion was made by Mr. Spieles
; seconded by Mrs. Korn to advertise the request for proposals. The motion carried. (Additional Details on the Parade in a Separate Post)
; seconded by Mrs. Korn to advertise the request for proposals. The motion carried. (Additional Details on the Parade in a Separate Post)
Borough Manager Jones stated that he will have a proposal by the June meeting to hire cleaning service for borough hall.
Council discussed a DEP letter of support for a local business. The matter was turned over to the borough solicitor.
Council accepted a letter of resignation from Ray Jones Jr. for the position of Assistant Fire Chief. Council thanked Ray for his 19 years of service.
Mrs. Groody reported that the summer lunch program would start June 8th at Eureka Park.
Fire Chief Groody requested that council promote Charles Orth to 1st Assistant Fire Chief and Chris Groody to 2nd Assistant Fire Chief. The fire inspector position will remain vacant for now. Council agreed.
Chief Groody asked that Borough Manager Jones read a letter regarding the VFW Memorial Day Parade. The letter requested permissionfor the VFW to hold the Memorial Day parade on May 25th at
11:00 am. A motion was made by Mr. Spieles; seconded by Mrs. Wesner to grant permission.
11:00 am. A motion was made by Mr. Spieles; seconded by Mrs. Wesner to grant permission.
Mrs. Wesner discussed the recycling center. She stated that it has been a mess in recent weeks. In addition, there seems to be many people from Northumberland County using it.
Mr. Bernodin asked about the proposed stray cat ordinance. A discussion followed.
Mr. Cooney asked if the sweeper is running on the summer schedule. Borough Manager Jones said that it was running with no ticketing in May. However starting in June cars will have to move or be ticketed.
Mr. Cooney asked if the cars at Oakland Auto that are falling in to the creek are in Ashland Borough. Mayor Walacavage stated that he thinks the majority of them are in Butler Township and that he will investigate the situation.
Mr. Cooney asked if the next meeting may be held in one of our parks rather than a teleconference to comply with social distancing. Mrs. Groody said that she agreed however, it would depend on the color code at that time.
Mayor Walacavage thanked Mr. Jones for his service as Assistant Fire Chief and discussed police staffing.