Monday, June 22, 2020

Diocese Announces Closure of Former Church Building in Saint Clair and Merger of Parishes in Minersville

On Sunday, the Diocese of Allentown announced the closure of a building in St. Clair and the merger of Minersville parishes.

Closure of Former Building in Saint Clair

According to the Diocese of Allentown, the former Immaculate Conception church building in Saint Clair, now being maintained by Saint Clare of Assisi Parish, will be closed because of declining use and rising maintenance costs.

Since 2008, the building has been used for Mass one day per year, and for funerals of former Immaculate Conception parishioners. The Diocese says attendance at that Mass has been declining, and the number of funerals has significantly declined.

The costs of maintaining the building can no longer be borne by the parishioners of Saint Clare of Assisi Parish, nor is the parish able to raise sufficient funds to cover the costs, said Monsignor William Glosser, pastor.

The closing recommendation of Monsignor Glosser, made in consultation with his Parish Council, was reviewed by the Diocesan Council of Priests and the Diocesan Pastoral Planning Commission, which likewise recommended the action to Bishop Alfred Schlert.

The church building will close effective July 1. All sacred images, furnishings, vessels and altars will be removed and preserved for use by Saint Clare of Assisi Parish or another parish. All proceeds from the sale of the former church building, or of any items such as stained glass windows, will be retained by Saint Clare of Assisi Parish. These proceeds will not go to the Diocese of Allentown.

Parishioners at Saint Clare of Assisi Parish were told about the closure at this weekend’s Masses. 

Two Minersville Parishes to Merge

According to the Diocese of Allentown, two parishes in Minersville are merging to create a stronger, more unified Catholic presence in the community.

The Parish Advisory Council and the Parish Financial Committee of both Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish and Saint Michael the Archangel Parish have voted unanimously to support the merger.

Father Jason Stokes, pastor at both parishes, will be pastor of the newly created parish, which will be named Holy Family Parish of Minersville. Both the St. Matthew and the St. Michael church buildings will remain open, and the merged congregation will use both churches for worship.

“Our new name, Holy Family, stresses that we are coming together as one new, vibrant parish family with two churches,” said Father Stokes. “I’m pleased that the parishioners have taken such an active role in this positive step for our worship community.”

The merger recommendation of Father Stokes was reviewed by the Diocesan Council of Priests and the Diocesan Pastoral Planning Commission, which likewise recommended the action to Bishop Alfred Schlert.

In conjunction with the merger, the Finance and Advisory committees at St. Matthew the Evangelist have recommended unanimously that the underutilized St. Francis of Assisi church building be closed. The Church has been open in recent years only for one Mass per year, on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, and for funerals. However, there have been no funerals held there since 2008.

The building is expected to need major repairs in the near future, and is no longer needed to serve the pastoral needs of the Catholic community in Minersville, Father Stokes said.

The merger is effective July 1. Parishioners were notified at Masses this weekend (June 20-21.)