On Friday, the Mayor of Girardville announced the borough would begin collecting for the victims of the Gilberton Flooding.
From the Mayor Michael Zangari, Mayor of Girardville
On June 11th, 2020, the borough of Gilberton was quickly and unexpectedly flooded, giving residents very little time to prepare. Throughout the course of that day, water continued to rise swiftly and evacuations had to occur. Residents who were affected had to leave their homes without being able to remove their belongings. Over the next few days, many homes on the south side of main street had flood water of over 4’ on the first floor. For many residents, their first floor includes their kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry room, etc... Homes sustained damage to their basements as well. Damages in the basement included hot water heaters, boilers/furnaces, electrical panelsand other core components to their homes. This does not include the large amount of debris brought in by the flood water including but not limited to silt, mud, oil, sewage, sand, stone, etc.
Essential items include:
cleaning supplies, bleach, Dawn dish soap, buckets, hand pump sprayers, mops, towels, sponges, tarps, boxes/containers, toiletries, gloves (work and disposable), masks, eye protection, hand sanitizer, garbage bags, non-perishable food, clothing, etc…
drop off location:
Girardville Municipal Building: June 22nd, 2020 to July 2nd, 2020
Monday – Friday
8am to 11 am and 12pm to 2pm.
To schedule a drop off of supplies not during business hours, contact
Mayor Michael Zangari at 570-276-1635.
• All monetary donations can be made through https://www.gofundme.com/f/gilberton-borough-flooded-residents
• Girardville borough will not accept any monetary donations!
• Furniture is currently not being accepted. A furniture drive may be announced at a later date.
Thank you in advance for your support as we help our neighbors get back on their feet