Saturday, August 22, 2020

Riders Participate in "Fill the Bucket for Brandon" Motorcycle Run

Over two dozen motorcyclists participating in the "Fill the Bucket for Brandon" bike run on Saturday.

The bike run was held Saturday for Brandon Harris, of Butler Township near Gordon.

Harris has a severe form of muscular dystrophy and for the past couple years, friends and family have organized the bike run to raise money and show their support.

The run began from the Gordon Fire Department, travelled through Gordon, then left the borough on Airport Road and travelled to Max's in Millersburg before returning to Schuylkill County.

Harris waited outside his home on Airport Road with his father, Bob, mom, Julie, and Nicolette as the run passed his home led by the Gordon Fire pparatus.

"On behalf of the family, we would just like to thank everybody for their continued to support", said Bob Harris.

Story/Photos/Video by J. Reed/Skook News

Brandon Harris (Center) with father, Bob, sister Nicolette, and mom, Julie