Wednesday, September 2, 2020

City of Pottsville Requests Compensation of Taxes from Schuylkill County

During the work session of the Schuylkill County Board of Commissioners on Wednesday, the City of Pottsville requested funds from the County that was owed to them and collected from tax collection.

During the public portion of the meeting, City Council Member and Director of Accounts and Finance, Mark Atkinson, attended the meeting via Zoom/Phone to find out why the money was being withheld.

Atkinson had stated that a meeting occurred in March between the City and County where the County disputed what they owed to the city over a discrepancy.  Atkinson also stated that by law, the only time a discrepancy can be reported on an election year is prior to March 15th, which he said did not occur.

Atkinson noted that the County is withholding over $46,000 that is owed to the city.

Commissioner Hess asked for an answer to Atkinson's request, to which Councilman Atkinson said he would be requesting a court resolution along with the other City Council members to resolve the matter and asked for answer today.

Schuylkill County Treasurer Linda Marchalk commented, stating that her office processed the request and had a contract through December 31st, 2019 but had not received an updated contract.

Marchalk stated that due to not having an updated contract, Finance the Controller's Office would not authorize the checks. 

Marchalk also stated that her office continues to receive monthly bills but until she receives an updated contract, those checks would not be authorized.

She also elaborated that the County pays the city of Pottsville $85,000 to collect 9,000 tax bills and pays 1/3rd of the employees salary and health benefits. 

She also stated her office pays 66 other tax collectors totaling $285,000

Marchalk further added that the City failed to provide a job description of the staff in terms of what they do.  She stated that the employees also collect other city bills.

"I don't think it's proper and adequate that they are charging us 1/3rd because they are doing more than collecting county real estate taxes." Marchalk said.

After Marchalk spoke, Atkinson again disputed that the funds could not be withheld because of the State Law.

At this point, Commissioner Hess interjected and said this should be a discussion outside of the meeting and requested that a separate meeting be held as soon as possible between both sides in order to resolve the issue.

Additional notes from Wednesday morning's meeting will be posted later.