Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Late Agenda Addition Leads to Schuylkill County Commissioners' Voting to Approve to Make an Offer to Purchase Former Giant Property

After a late addition to the agenda for Wednesday morning's Schuylkill County Board of Commissioner's meeting, a vote was made and the board passed to authorize the County to make an offer to purchase the former Giant Property in Pottsville.

Over the past two months, Schuylkill County and Pottsville City officials have been in a back and forth war of words after rumors surfaced that the County is interested in purchasing the property.

Originally rumors were that the county was eyeing property for a pre-release center for the Schuylkill County Prison, but other reasons for buying the property were said to be on the table as well, but nothing was ever confirmed.

Since then, City officials and school officials have expressed opposition not only because of the idea of a pre-release center near downtown Pottsville, but officials were concerned with the loss of tax revenue.  County officials have been mum on the details the acquisition.

Late Tuesday, word spread after Schuylkill County Commissioner Gary Hess received notice at 4:50pm that there would be an addition to the agenda to vote on the acquisition of the property.

As of that time, Tuesday, the agenda had not been updated from last Wednesday's workshop.

On Wednesday morning, approximately 8:30am, the item was added to the agenda for the meeting that was set to start at 10:00am.

When the meeting started, dozens had joined through Zoom and expressed their opposition on the agenda item.

Savas Logothetides, business owner and PADCO Director, spoke first in regards to items on the agenda, "As you know, your choice to purchase the former Giant parcel in the city has been met with resounding opposition. While I'm disappointed to learn that you are continuing to pursue this acquisition, I'm more disappointed in the manner with which you conduct your business." Logothetides began.

He continued "The fact is, this item, which is nearly a $1,000,000 deal and failed to appear on the agenda until this morning, is appalling.  Two months ago, you wrongly changed the policy regarding public comment that limited your very own constituents to comment on agenda items only.  This is the second time, a million dollar deal has appeared on the agenda as "new new" business.  The public has had their basic civil rights taken away, where they cannot comment on these deals prior to a vote by the commissioners.  This isn't the transparency any of us expect of our local leaders.".

Others that spoke and reverberated Logothetides comments and asked to table the decision included Dave Clews (Pottsville Councilman and President of the Pottsville Business Association), Mark Atkinson (Pottsville Councilman), Pottsville Mayor James Muldowney, Regina Gargano, Diana Prosymchak (Executive Director of the Schuylkill County Historical Society), Ian Lipton (Director of the Pottsville Parking Authority).

After the public spoke, the meeting continued and prior to the new business portion of the meeting, an executive session was held for "contractual" reasons.

Upon returning to the meeting, under New New Business, County Administrator Gary Bender made a motion on behalf of the solicitor's office for a request for a motion to "authorize the County Administrator to make an offer to purchase the former Giant Building property in Pottsville in accordance with section 2305 of County Code with use of the property for County general purpose".

Schuylkill County Commissioner Gary Hess immediately made a motion to table the item, but when asked for a second to the motion, he didn't get one from Commissioner Halcovage or Hetherington.

Commissioner Halcovage than made the motion to move forward on the item, which was then seconded by Commissioner Hetherington.

Commissioner Hess than spoke on the motion and expressed his "displeasure with his colleagues" upon learning of the addition of the agenda item late on Tuesday from Commissioner Hetherington.

Hess spoke and said "out of his 8 years as Commissioner, this has been the most trying".  "I've had a good working relationship with my colleagues here on the Commissioner's bench.  I've worked to the greatest extent in making my decisions and my vote were good for all the citizens of  Schuylkill County."

Hess believed that if the agenda item was going to be voted on for this meeting, it should have been added last week during the workshop in order to allow time to deliberate and allow public comment. Hess simply said, "That didn't happen".  Hess added that the information was in his packet Wednesday morning but not in his packet the day before.

Commissioner Hess also noted that he was not sure what the facility would be used for and all he has heard was hearsay.

Commissioner Hess did ask Administrator Bender on where the funds would come from for the purchase, in which Bender replied, "it would come off the general fund".  Hess then asked if the county had the money, in which Bender replied, "if not, then we would have to borrow".

"I have no idea what we are even going to offer.  Something is going on her that I'm not apprised of" Hess added.  "I'm very disappointed in all of that".

Hess also added on another issue, that he was not informed on what the $12 million in COVID money.  "I don't know if my colleagues have an amount, but I would really like that."

Commissioner Halcovage also commented "I am in a unique situation, not only being a resident of Schuylkill county but also being a resident and taxpayer in the city of Pottsville. I want Pottsville to revitalize as much as anyone and I believe and support the revitalization of the whole county as well.

As has been stated before, the county has been looking at this location for over 2 ½ years and Commissioners Staudenmeier and Hess were briefed on this as well. This particular location serves a great purpose to the county, with its location being close to the main workings of the county.

As a county commissioner, i have a duty and have taken an oath to explore all opportunities that are presented for the good of the county. Please note that we did not cause this opportunity to occur.

I respect the arguments that have been presented and will continue my work with the city and all other stakeholders in the revitalization of Pottsville and the county as a whole. In fact, we will be meeting later this morning with the mayor and head of the parking authority to continue this important dialogue.

Unfortunately, the lightening speed of the senate bill in Harrisburg that will amend the county code specifically to not allow us to purchase any property without consent is unfortunate and not fair to the taxpayers of Schuylkill county.

I believe in Pottsville and I believe in Schuylkill county. As such, i will continue to represent all of our constituency of which I was elected to serve. "

Commissioner Hetherington added comment that included "From my understanding, it was never about COVID money,  but about opportunity.  This is about saving money for the county, and with all due respect, I don't just represent one municipality."

Hetherington then made a motion on the item, in which Commissioner Halcovage seconded.  

Commissioner Hetherington and Commissioner Halcovage voted "yes" for the motion with Hess voting "Absolutely Not".

A meeting was scheduled for  later Wednesday between County officials and the City of Pottsville.