Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Schuylkill Technology Center Students Gain Access to 3D Technology

Allied Health Students at the North Campus of Schuylkill Technology Center (STC) learn to utilize a new 3D virtual anatomy and physiology visualization system, called Anatomage. 

“The Anatomage Table, which STC purchased through a Pennsylvania Department of Education Competitive Equipment Grant, enables students in the Emerging Health, Health Careers and Practical Nursing programs to learn the structures of the human body from three dimensional perspective,” said Director, Shannon Brennan. The Anatomage Table comes equipped with a virtual operating room feature as well as radiology software, (https://www.anatomage.com/table7/)

The acquisition of the Anatomage Table is particularly timely in that many job shadowing opportunities that STC students would typically have within hospitals and medical facilities have been limited this year due to the pandemic, and so this technology helps fill this void, said Cyria Hart, Emerging Health Instructor. “We had no idea when this grant was awarded in the fall of the 2019/2020 Academic Year how beneficial this equipment would be come.”

Pictured below, Cyria Hart, Emerging Health Instructor instructs students on the functionality of the Anatomage Table. John Babinsky and Benjamin Terry, both of Mahanoy Area, are exploring the bones of the skull.

Emerging Health is a Dual Enrollment Program offered in partnership with Penn State University Schuylkill Campus, where classes are offered at both STC and the Schuylkill Campus of Penn State. Students earn 8 college credits in Anatomy and Physiology and 4 credits in Medical Terminology from Penn College throughout this one year senior only program. STC currently has 20 students enrolled in the Emerging Health Program, which started in 2016.