Sunday, December 13, 2020

Santa, Mrs. Claus, and their Elves Spread Christmas Cheer in Frackville

On Sunday afternoon, Santa and Mrs. Claus made an appearance in Frackville to spread some Christmas Spirit.

Sunday's event, which was organized by the Frackville Recreation Committee, included a parade around the borough and also a drive-by socially distanced visit.

The parade started at 1:30pm at borough hall and was led by Frackville Police as well as apparatus from the Goodwill Fire Company and Friendship Fire Company from Englewood.

Santa and Mrs. Claus, who are both used to the cold, road around the borough in a convertible Ford Mustang, with the roof down.

The parade ended back at borough hall where children were handed stockings from Santa's elves and Frosty the Snowman as they rode by in their vehicles.  Some children even brought their lists for Santa.

By the end, Santa's elves handed out over 200 stockings.

The event was in place of the annual Santa Christmas Party that would typically be held at borough hall.