Thursday, June 17, 2021

Firefighters Renew EVOC Training

This past weekend, firefighters wrapped up emergency vehicle training.

The Ashland Fire Department played host to an Emergency Vehicle Operator Course last week which is required for all firefighters that operate apparatus.

The course, with 20 participants, included two in-classroom days and one final test behind the wheel.

The Ashland Foundry allowed firefighters to use their parking lot for the final test this past Sunday.

Those being tested, had three chances to complete the course without knocking over any cones.  The course included a straight path that narrowed, weaving through cones forwards and backwards, backing into a loading dock, and a narrow path with an S curve.

Ashland Fire Chief Philip Groody said that years ago, the course was about completing it quickly, but now, its about precision and safety.

Test taker  brought their own apparatus which included the ambulance, engine, and ladder truck.

The instructor for course, Mike Kitsock, was assisted by Guy Arndt of the Schuylkill Haven Fire Department.