Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Geisinger St. Luke’s Hospital Accredited as Trauma Center

Geisinger St. Luke’s Hospital in Orwigsburg, Schuylkill County, has been accredited as a trauma center by the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation (PTSF).
The PTSF approved the hospitals’ accreditation, effective November 1, after a lengthy and in-depth review to ensure timely and appropriate care of the trauma patient is provided.

“Geisinger St. Luke’s Hospital’s trauma center accreditation is great news for Schuylkill County. Achieving this milestone in less than two years after opening and through a pandemic illustrates how two high quality organizations can work together and be committed to providing high quality care to our community,” said GSL President Gabe Kamarousky. “It assures the public that our physicians and staff are fully prepared to care for patients who have been injured in serious accidents.”

Trauma centers are hospitals with resources immediately available to provide optimal care and reduce the likelihood of death or disability in patients injured in motor vehicle crashes, industrial accidents, falls and other life-threatening situations.

Geisinger St. Luke’s Hospital received Level IV trauma center accreditation. In Pennsylvania, there are four levels of trauma centers:
  • Level I trauma centers provide the highest degree of resources with a full spectrum of specialists and must have trauma research and surgical residency programs.
  • Level II trauma centers require the same high level of care, but do not require research and residency programs.
  • Level III trauma centers are smaller community hospitals that do not require neurosurgeons and focus on stabilizing severely injured trauma patients prior to transport to a higher-level trauma center. They may admit patients with mild and moderate injuries.
  • Level IV trauma centers provide enhanced care to injured patients within the emergency department and focus on stabilization and quick transfer to a higher-level trauma center. They may admit mildly injured patients.
The Level IV accreditation process includes an in-depth review to ensure timely and appropriate care of the trauma patient, extensive review of nursing and physician education, review of the physical plant and compliance with all of the PTSF standards, procedures and policies.

“Each trauma center, regardless of its level, is an integral component of the emergency medical services (EMS) system,” the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation said in a statement.