A tourism marketing mini grant designed to support marketing, promotional, and publicity initiatives that result in increased tourism and overnight stays within Schuylkill County for qualifying tourism businesses and organizations in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, is now open.
Explore Schuylkill is accepting requests for funding in the new grant. Grants may be awarded to any qualifying tourism industry entity in Schuylkill County including accommodations, transportation and travel services, food and beverage services, retail, recreation, and entertainment organizations, events, and members of Explore Schuylkill in good standing for marketing campaigns as well as marketing projects and event marketing, and may include any variety of media, including but not limited to: television, internet commercials, banners, digital content, print ads, social media ads, and video spots. Grant awards range from $250 to $3500.
Applications are available online at www.schuylkill.org . Completed applications must be received at Explore Schuylkill no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, February 28th, 2022.