Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Schuylkill County Municipal Authority Secures $5.98 Million Low-Interest Loan for Water Storage Tank Expansion in New Castle Township

The Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) has been granted a low-interest loan of $5,987,000 to facilitate the construction of a second water storage tank at the Broad Mountain Water Filtration and Treatment Facility in New Castle Township. 

This financial boost was announced by Senator Dave Argall (R-29) and Representative Tim Twardzik (R-123).

The water storage tank is expected to enhance the capacity of the municipal authority to manage potential disruptions in water service during emergencies or essential maintenance procedures.

“Schuylkill County Municipal Authority is extremely appreciative of Sen. Argall and Rep. Twardzik’s support and endorsement of the generous low-interest loan offer from our long-time partners at PENNVEST for the Broad Mountain Tank #2 Project,” said Pat Caulfield, Executive Director for SCMA. “The 2.5-million-gallon storage tank will supplement the Authority’s sustainability to serve the 9 municipalities in our Broad Mountain System with ample potable drinking water and reliable fire service.

“This project, along with the June 2023 announcement of our $5.24 M grant and $3.44 M low-interest loan for our Pottsville Lead Service Line and Main Replacement Project, will surpass over $83 Million in successful PENNVEST Water and Wastewater Projects completed by SCMA since 1991.” Caufield said.

“No community can function without clean, reliable drinking water,” said Senator Argall. “I’m thankful this important project won state support.”


“This loan is an important funding stream for the SCMA/New Castle Township Water Tank Project,” said Representative Twardzik. “It assures safe water and increased fire protection for surrounding communities.  Investments in our infrastructure keeps our county a great place to live, work and raise a family.”

The loan was awarded by PENNVEST, an organization dedicated to financing sewer, stormwater, and drinking water projects across Pennsylvania.