St. Paul's United Church of Christ, Mahanoy City, celebrated their 160th Anniversary on Sunday, November 19, 2023, with a religious service followed by a dinner held in their Fellowship Hall.
State Representative Dane Watro attended the event to present a proclamation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in observance of the historic event. Other proclamations were presented by the representative from Congressman Dan Meuser, State Senator Dave Argall, the Schuylkill County Commissioners and the Mahanoy Area Historical Society.
Members and guests enjoyed dinner, fellowship and entertainment provided by the church choir.
Even during these tough times, the church continues to thrive with a Senior and Junior Vocal Choir, Bell Choir, Altar and Christian Education Committees, Consistory, Endowment Fund Board, Ladies Lamp Lighters, Youth Group and full-time pastor and organist. Many other sub committees assist the church in running smoothly and efficiently.
Pictured (L to R) are Consistory Vice President, Franklin R. Fetter; Church Pastor, The Reverend Craig D. Zimmerman; Ruth Jane Balliett, Consistory President; and Representative Dan Watro (R-116). Submitted Photo.
Pictured (L to R) are Consistory Vice President, Franklin R. Fetter; Church Pastor, The Reverend Craig D. Zimmerman; Ruth Jane Balliett, Consistory President; and Representative Dan Watro (R-116). Submitted Photo.