Schuylkill County Weather Forecast
for Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
- Sunny
- Expected High: 46°F.
Wednesday Night:
- Clear
- Expected Low: 28°F.
- Sunny Early with Increasing Clouds
- Expected High: 50°F.
Thursday Night:
- Cloudy
- Expected Low: 33°F.
- Clouds and Sun, Chance for a Shower
- Expected High: 53°F.
Friday Night:
- Cloudy
- Expected Low: 41°F.
- Showers
- Expected High: 56°F.
Saturday Night:
- Cloudy
- Expected Low: 39°F.
- Cloudy Early with Clearing Later in the Day
- Expected High: 47°F.
Sunday Night:
- Cloudy
- Expected Low: 33°F.