Friday, May 24, 2024

Emily Petritsch Named Rotary Club of Northern Schuylkill County Student of the Year

Shenandoah Valley Senior Emily Petritsch has been named the Rotary Club of Northern Schuylkill County student of the year.
Petritsch was presented with a $200 award & a certificate during the annual Shenandoah Valley All Sports Breakfast.

Emily’s school resume consists of Treasurer of National Honor Society, Historian for the Class od 2024, President of the Aevidum Club, Yearbook Committee, Volleyball Team, & Manager Girls Basketball Team. 

Her community service endeavors include her volunteering work with the DSI Kielbasa Festival, the PTO sponsored Safe Trick & Treat event and her volunteer work as an EMT performed on behalf of the Shenandoah Ambulance Association. 

Her future plans are to pursue a career in the emergency medical profession as a nationally accredited emergency medical technician. Her ultimate goal is to become a helicopter aeromedical provider.

Shown in the photo seated L-R: Rotary President Marie Popoff, Emily Petritsch, and Rotary treasurer Mark Bernardyn. Standing: High School Principal John Brennan, Emily’s parents Alicia & John Petritsch & Student Council Advisor Anthony Pytko.