Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Senator Casey Visits Schuylkill County to Tout Funding for New State-of-the-Art Training Facility and Backup Emergency Operations Center

On Tuesday, Senator Bob Casey proudly announced the fruition of efforts to secure funding for a new training center for Schuylkill County first responders and an emergency operations backup facility.

The project, long-awaited and much-needed, aims to enhance the county's emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

Location and Features

The new training center will find its home on the north side of the Schuylkill County Firefighter Training Grounds in West Mahanoy Township near Frackville. This plot of land, generously donated by SEDCO 22 years ago, remained unused until now. 

The new facility is poised to address a shortfall in training capacity. While the current facility can accommodate only 30 individuals at a time, the new center will boast the capability to host trainings for up to 300 people simultaneously.

Multi-Purpose Facility

Designed to serve a diverse range of emergency responders, the facility will not only cater to firefighters but also provide training opportunities for police and corrections officers. This centralized training hub will eliminate the need for first responders to travel elsewhere for specialized training.

Backup Emergency Operations Facility

In addition to its training functions, the new center will double up as a backup emergency operations facility. Equipped with state-of-the-art capabilities, it will serve as a resource for dispatchers and emergency management operations, offering redundancy outside of Pottsville.

Securing Funding

Senator Casey's visit was marked by a celebratory tone as he announced the successful securing of $2 million in federal funding for the project. This funding, a culmination of relentless advocacy efforts spanning two years, underscores the commitment of local legislators to address the pressing needs of their communities. The initiative was catalyzed by the tragic Interstate 81 pileup in March 2022, which highlighted the urgent necessity for improved emergency response infrastructure in Schuylkill County.

Community Collaboration

Senator Casey was joined Tuesday by Schuylkill County officials and leaders from the Schuylkill County Volunteer Firefighters during a press conference at the fire training building. 

Their collective dedication to the project reflects a collaborative spirit aimed at strengthening the county's resilience in the face of emergencies. County Commissioners Larry Padora, Baron Hetherington, and Gary Hess reiterated their support for the project, having approved additional funding from COVID-19 ARPA Funds and the County General Fund to the project.

Looking Ahead

While blueprints of the new facility were showcased during the event, further details are expected to materialize as the project progresses into the planning stages. 

Following the press conference, Senator Casey would say the facility would be State-of-the-Art and the first of its kind in Pennsylvania.