Monday, June 17, 2024

Ashland Council Honors Late Borough Manager, Opens Position for New Candidates

Ashland Borough has begun the search for a new borough manager following the unexpected passing of Ray Jones on May 12th. 

Jones, who had been serving as the borough manager since 2012, was a respected figure in the community.

At Wednesday's Borough Council Meeting, members paid tribute to Jones by reading a proclamation in his honor. The council expressed gratitude for his dedicated service as both borough manager and assistant fire chief. The proclamation was presented to his wife, Gail, and other family members, as well as to his colleagues from the Washington Fire Company who attended the meeting.

In the course of the meeting, the council also moved forward with plans to find Jones's successor by officially approving an advertisement for the position.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their resumes to the borough hall. While the council did not specify the detailed qualifications for the role, they noted that the position could be filled on either a part-time or full-time basis.