What began as a Student Council project to enhance school spirit has now become a Shenandoah Valley tradition that has been in existence since 1991.
In that year the Council came up with an idea to have members of the senior class design and paint a wall mural that would have a theme selected by the graduating class.
The mural would also highlight significant events accomplished by students in their class like becoming Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Scholar Athletes, Homecoming Queen, Winter Formal King, Spring Queen, Prom King and Queen, individual and team athletic championships and records, and a remembrance of a student or faculty member who sadly passed away.
Prior to graduation each member of the senior class will sign their names on the wall mural. To date this tradition now has 43 murals that adorn the school corridors.
Shown in the photo is this year’s mural that was painted by members of the SV Art Club. L-R: Paloma Manjaraz, Allison Soto, and SV Art teacher Jennifer Zemek. Missing from photo were Morgan Labosky, Kiara Nunez, and Dalianys Trinidad.
Shown in the photo is this year’s mural that was painted by members of the SV Art Club. L-R: Paloma Manjaraz, Allison Soto, and SV Art teacher Jennifer Zemek. Missing from photo were Morgan Labosky, Kiara Nunez, and Dalianys Trinidad.
Submitted Photo and Information / Shenandoah Valley School District