Sunday, July 21, 2024

President Biden Drops Out of 2024 Campaign, Schuylkill and Pennsylvania Officials React and Comment

On Sunday, President Joe Biden ended his bid for reelection.
Along with the announcement, President Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. Harris does not officially become the candidate until she wins the majority of the convention.

Schuylkill County officials reacted to the announcement Sunday afternoon.

Todd Zimmerman, Democratic Delegate for the PA 9th District and the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Schuylkill County stated:

As a Biden delegate, I am endorsing Kamala Harris for President, and suggest Josh Shapiro to be her Vice-Presidential nominee. I would like to thank President Biden for once again selecting what is best for the country.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, also released the following statement:

“When our founders came together in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to declare our independence and establish our democracy, they did so with the clear understanding that we would only succeed if we were united. In the 248 years since, our country and our people have been tested – but the American spirit has always triumphed.

“Despite our individual differences, when our safety was threatened, when our values and freedoms were attacked, when the stakes were high, Americans have found ways to come together and unite behind common cause and common purpose. That’s the lesson of our founders who gathered in Pennsylvania two-and-a-half centuries ago – and it’s the lesson our Party must learn from now.

“I’ve known Kamala Harris for nearly two decades – we’ve both been prosecutors, we’ve both stood up for the rule of law, we’ve both fought for the people and delivered results. Kamala Harris is a patriot worthy of our support and she will continue the work of generations of Americans who came before us to perfect our union, protect our democracy, and advance real freedom. She has served the country honorably as Vice President and she is ready to be President.

“The best path forward for the Democratic Party is to quickly unite behind Vice President Harris and refocus on winning the presidency. The contrast in this race could not be clearer and the road to victory in November runs right through Pennsylvania – where this collective work began. I will do everything I can to help elect Kamala Harris as the 47th President of the United States.”

On the flip side, from the Republican Party, Representative Dan Meuser issued the following statement:

What happened today is remarkable. The Democrat Party just bullied their nominee off the ballot, disenfranchising the 953,916 ballots cast for President Biden in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and 14.3 million nationwide, representing 98.9% of Democratic voters.

Now, the Democrat Party will select their candidate in one of the most undemocratic processes ever, working behind closed doors with no input from the voters.

Democrat leaders deceived the American people for well over a year by hiding the realities of Biden’s mental decline and failed policies. They knew Biden was unfit to serve, yet claimed what we were seeing with our own eyes were ‘deep fakes.’ Now the Democrat machine and leftwing media has forced him out, circumventing the will of their voters.

This begs the question about the transparency and accountability within the Biden White House, his cabinet, senior Democratic leaders, and Vice President Kamala Harris. We must question if the administration’s goal of self-preservation outweighed their obligation and sworn oath to uphold the Constitution and protect the American people.

Finally, let’s be clear, while Biden is out of the race, his failed policy agenda is not. Vice President Kamala Harris has been a willing participant in every failure, including infamously leading Biden's border disaster. As the appointed Border-Czar since March 2021, she has only visited the southern border once. This shows she has not taken this critical issue, or any issue facing Americans seriously. Harris isn't a serious candidate, and she will now be vetted by Americans across the nation.