Monday, August 5, 2024

Pottsville Woman Arrested for Domestic Assault

A Pottsville woman has been charged after a domestic incident over the weekend.

According to Pottsville Police, on Saturday August 3rd, 2024, around 5:45pm, Police Units were dispatched to a business in the 900 block of West Market St, for a report of a domestic dispute. 

Further information from dispatch revealed the caller, a 62-year-old male was assaulted by his live-in girlfriend, Karen Zehner, age 55, earlier on this day at this location and that Zehner was currently following behind the male victim and his son's vehicle as they are on their way back to this location. 

When officers arrived on scene, they witnessed a truck pulling in the lot that was occupied by the victim. Behind him was his son who was driving in a sedan and moments later Karen Zehner pulled in.

The victim reported on this date, at 5:45pm, that Zehner had come to his garage to confront him about him about him seeing another woman. At one-point Zehner became violent striking, kicking, and shoving the victim in an aggressive manner causing visible injury to his right wrist and chest consisting of redness and bruising.

According to the victim, the assault was ongoing for approximately two hours where Zehner would leave and come back and at times. Despite the victims attempts to avoid further confrontation Zehner chased him around his vehicle and caused damage to his office door as he tried to distance himself from her violent attacks. 

At one point, Zehner threatened to smash her vehicle into the victim's vehicle "causing them both to die". The victim contacted his son to come to his location to pick him up because he was in fear for his life. On their way back to this location they discovered that Zehner was following behind them which led to them to call for police assistance.

Zehner was taken into custody without further incident and was mirandized. While in custody Zehner acknowledged that she assaulted the victim stating that she was "angry" and "hurt."

Based on the above information, Karen Denise Zehner for Simple Assault (M2) was taken into custody pursuant to domestic violence, Terroristic Threats (M1), and Harassment (S).

Zehner was arraigned before on-call Magisterial District Judge Anthony Kilker and was later remanded to the Schuylkill County Prison in lieu of $25,000.00, ten percent.

Zehner posted bail Monday morning and was released.