Sunday, September 8, 2024

Knoebels’ Roller Coaster and Food Named Best in the World

On Saturday, Knoebels Amusement Resort’s Phoenix roller coaster and food were named #1 in the world at the annual Golden Ticket Awards.
During an event at Kennywood park, Amusement Today announced this year’s Golden Ticket Awards recipients in more than 20 categories.

Knoebels’ Phoenix was named the #1 wooden roller coaster in the world for the sixth time.

“We are honored Phoenix has received this distinction for a sixth consecutive year,” said Dick Knoebel, president of Knoebels Amusement Resort. “It is no small feat to maintain wooden roller coasters the way our team does. Seeing guests’ excitement as they exit the ride – some of whom will hop right back in line to ride again – is what keeps us motivated to continue this meticulous care.”

According to Knoebel, this past off-season alone, the team performed 800 feet of Phoenix track work which means 7,800 board feet of track was replaced. Phoenix has made the top ten each year for more than 25 years.

While this year was the sixth year Phoenix captured the #1 spot, there’s a 2024 award Knoebels has secured 21 times in 24 years: Best food.

“We recognized the ever-increasing effort our industry puts into food and beverage offerings, so my family challenged our team to create new, exciting additions to the award-winning tastes of Knoebels,” said Brian Knoebel, 4th generation Knoebel family member. “Rarely am I at a loss for words, but I found myself speechless when I learned they introduced 40 brand new menu items.”

Knoebel added that the offerings were such a hit, the park had to create a guide for guests to locate all the tasty treats as they eat their way around the park.

In addition to first place awards, Knoebels was a finalist in other categories:
  • #4 Best Park
  • #4 Best Guest Experience
  • #28 and #31 in Top 50 Wooden Roller Coasters for Twister and Flying Turns, respectively
The awards are calculated from an international poll. The survey is sent to a database of experienced and well-traveled amusement park fans asking them to rate the “best of the best” in the industry.