Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pottsville Mayor Dave Clews Announces Resignation

In a formal announcement Thursday morning, Pottsville Mayor Dave Clews announced his resignation, effective October 14, 2024, at 7:00 PM. Clews, who was elected in 2022, cited ongoing health challenges as the primary reason for his decision to step down from office.

In a statement, Mayor Clews expressed deep gratitude to the residents of Pottsville and his colleagues in city government, reflecting on his time as mayor with pride. "Serving as your mayor has been one of the greatest honors of my life," Clews shared. "Together, we have faced challenges, celebrated successes, and made great strides toward a brighter future for our community."

Over the past year, Clews says he has been dealing with health concerns that he says now require his full attention. "While stepping down is a difficult decision, I believe it is the best course of action at this time," he explained. "As most of you know, I love being called Mayor. However, that title comes second to 'Pappy.' I intend to focus on my full recovery so that I may enjoy my family, friends, and grandkids in this wonderful City that I call home."

"I have full confidence that the strong leadership we have built will continue this important work in the months and years ahead," he said.

The mayor’s resignation comes as a significant shift for the city, but Clews emphasized that Pottsville is in capable hands. He expressed appreciation for the support he has received throughout his tenure, and he encouraged the community to continue striving toward progress.

As of now, city officials have not yet announced plans for Clews’ successor, but further updates are expected in the coming weeks.