Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Ex-Minersville Cops Indicted on Federal Charges for Excessive Force Incident

Two former Minersville Police officers surrendered Wednesday for arraignment on federal charges as the result of an indictment by the United States Department of Justice stemming from an incident in the borough more than two years ago.
The indictment against Harry Brown and Richard Clink was the completion of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation resulting in the charge of Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.

The charge was filed by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Minersville Police issued a statement explaining the events that led to the indictment.

They said around 9:25 p.m. Feb. 2, 2022 Brown and Clink stopped a vehicle driven by a man in the 100 block of Westwood Street in the borough for a broken taillight.

During the stop it was learned that the man had a warrant for his arrest. After informing the man about the outstanding warrant he told the officers he was resolving the matter through his attorney.

According to police, both Brown and Clink allege in reports that the man exited the vehicle and took a defensive stance and “squared up” with them and that they were forced to use substantial force to subdue him resulting in injuries to both.

On Feb. 3, 2022 then Police Chief Michael Combs and officers of the department immediately began an investigation into the incident.

That day, officers canvassed the neighborhood looking for anyone that may have had a surveillance camera or a recording of the incidents.

As part of the investigation, the man, who was not identified, was interviewed and alleged that he was physically compliant with officers and tried to explain that he was taking care of the warrant.

The man then alleged that this angered officers prompting them to physically assault him to the point of multiple Taser applications, physical strikes with closed fists and elbows, having his head struck off the blacktop, the use of pepper spray and the loss of a tooth.

The man said he complied with the officer’s commands but they still continued to use unnecessary force on him.

At this point, Brown and Clink were put on administrative leave by Combs pending further investigation.

Several weeks after the incident an independent video was obtained and gave a clear account of what transpired that night.

Based on the completion of the investigation Brown and Clink were suspended pending termination proceedings.

Combs determined that Brown and Clink provided both false verbal and written statements on official documents throughout the investigation.

After the completion of the internal investigation, and to ensure complete transparency, the case was immediately turned over to the FBI for their investigation into the actions of both officers.

It was that investigation that led to the charges against both men.

Upon learning of the incident the department immediately began an investigation and that part of that investigation centered on removing both former officers from active duty assuring the safety of the citizens.

According to a statement from the department “During the investigation the Minersville Police Department cooperated completely and worked hand in hand with the FBI to assure complete transparency and accountability,”

 “The mission of the Minersville Police Department is to protect and serve our citizens fairly and with integrity.”

After being arraigned Wednesday both Brown and Clink were released on their own recognizance pending further action in the federal judicial system.

Skook News was able to obtain video of the incident (WARNING:  May be hard to watch).