A road improvement project in East Union Township has received state funding, according to an announcement by Rep. Dane Watro (R-Luzerne/Schuylkill) and Sen. David Argall (R-Schuylkill/Carbon/Luzerne).
The lawmakers were instrumental in securing the grant through the Department of Community and Economic Development’s Multimodal Transportation Fund.
The township has been awarded $100,000 to implement connectivity improvements on multiple roads.
The funding will go toward road repairs and new bike lanes in the Brandonville area.
Multimodal Transportation Fund grants support the development, rehabilitation, and enhancement of transportation assets within existing communities. These funds may be used for streetscape improvements, upgraded lighting, sidewalk enhancements, pedestrian safety measures, connectivity between transportation assets, and transit-oriented development.
The Commonwealth Financing Authority, which oversees the fiduciary responsibility for funding state programs and investments, approved the grant. The funding represents a commitment to strengthening Pennsylvania’s economic growth and transportation infrastructure.
On Friday, February 28th, 2025, Senator David G. Argall and Representative Dane Watro presented a check for $100,000 to township officials.
Pictured from left, are Roadmaster Danny Danchision, Solicitor Donald Karpowich, Treasurer Michael Gaizick, Vice-Chairperson Wendy Danchision, Chairperson Kyle Mummey, Dominic Yannuzzi of Alfred Benesch & Company, Police Officer-in-Charge Doug Litwhiler, Zoning Hearing Board Chairperson Jo Anna Shovlin and Supervisor Jill Careyva.