Monday, March 10, 2025

Legislators, School Officials, and First Responders Meet to Address Volunteer Firefighter Shortages

More than 75 volunteer firefighters and school administrators joined Pennsylvania State Representatives Tim Twardzik and Dane Watro, along with Senator David Argall, at a seminar last week aimed at tackling the pressing issue of declining volunteer firefighter numbers. 

The event, held at the Columbia Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, in Shenandoah, focused on new strategies to recruit and retain much-needed volunteers.

Volunteer fire departments across the state are facing severe shortages, a growing crisis that has the potential to impact public safety. According to the United States Fire Administration, the number of volunteer firefighters in Pennsylvania has plummeted from 60,000 to fewer than 38,000, putting increased pressure on local departments to find new ways to attract recruits.

During the seminar, attendees heard from Eric Frantz, a volunteer firefighter who successfully launched a high-school firefighting club at Danville High School as a way to engage young people in emergency services. Frantz’s program has proven to be an effective tool in introducing students to the critical role volunteer firefighters play in their communities.

Tracie Young-Brungard, Administrator of Recruitment & Retention for the Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner, also addressed the group, highlighting the variety of services and resources available to support local fire companies. She emphasized the importance of proactive recruitment efforts, partnerships with schools, and community engagement initiatives to rebuild Pennsylvania’s firefighting ranks.

State lawmakers and fire officials agreed that collaboration between fire departments, educational institutions, and government agencies is essential to reversing the decline in volunteer numbers. Efforts to introduce firefighting education at an earlier age, streamline training programs, and provide incentives for volunteers were all discussed as potential solutions.