Sunday, March 16, 2025

Schuylkill County Weather Forecast for Monday, March 17th, 2025


Schuylkill County Weather Forecast
for Monday, March 17th, 2025

Monday, March 17:

  • Day: Cloudy skies with occasional rain showers. High around 50°F. Winds from the southeast at 10-15 mph. Chance of rain is 79%.

  • Night: Mostly cloudy with lingering rain showers early, then clearing up slightly. Low of 31°F. Winds easing to 5-10 mph.

  • Sunrise: 7:15 AM | Sunset: 7:11 PM

Tuesday, March 18:

  • Day: Overcast with cooler temperatures. High of 48°F. Winds from the northwest at 10-12 mph, making it feel a bit chillier.

  • Night: Partly cloudy skies with a crisp low of 29°F. Winds calming down to light and variable.

  • Sunrise: 7:14 AM | Sunset: 7:12 PM

Wednesday, March 19:

  • Day: Partly sunny with a pleasant high of 52°F. A great day to enjoy some outdoor activities. Winds from the west at 5-10 mph.

  • Night: Mostly clear and calm, with a low of 34°F. A tranquil evening with minimal wind.

  • Sunrise: 7:12 AM | Sunset: 7:13 PM

Thursday, March 20:

  • Day: Mostly cloudy with mild temperatures reaching a high of 55°F. Winds from the southwest at 8-12 mph.

  • Night: Cloudy skies persist, with a low of 37°F. Winds remain light, creating a calm atmosphere.

  • Sunrise: 7:11 AM | Sunset: 7:14 PM

Friday, March 21:

  • Day: Cloudy with increasing chances of rain showers in the afternoon. High of 58°F. Winds from the south at 10-15 mph.

  • Night: Rain showers likely, with a low of 40°F. Winds continuing from the south at 8-12 mph.

  • Sunrise: 7:09 AM | Sunset: 7:15 PM


This weather forecast is being brought to by the Schuylkill Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance