Wednesday, March 19th
- Day: Mostly sunny with a high of 71°F. Expect a gentle breeze to make for a pleasant afternoon.
- Night: Clear skies with a low of 41°F.
- Sunrise: 6:32 AM | Sunset: 6:02 PM
Thursday, March 20th
Day: Overcast skies with a high around 42°F.
Night: Overcast conditions persist as temperatures drop to 29°F.
Sunrise: 6:31 AM | Sunset: 6:03 PM
Friday, March 21st
Day: Partly sunny skies, offering a mix of clouds and sun with a high of 57°F.
Night: Mostly cloudy with temperatures dipping to 41°F.
Sunrise: 6:30 AM | Sunset: 6:04 PM
Saturday, March 22nd
Day: Mostly cloudy, with a slight chance of showers in the afternoon. The high will reach 63°F.
Night: Increased chances of showers, with lows around 57°F under cloudy skies.
Sunrise: 6:29 AM | Sunset: 6:05 PM
Sunday, March 23rd
Day: Showers are expected throughout the day, accompanied by a high near 65°F.
Night: Rain continues into the night as temperatures drop to 43°F.
Sunrise: 6:28 AM | Sunset: 6:06 PM