Schuykill County Parking Bans for 2/12/14 through 2/14/14
Keep an eye on this page for more parking bans before, during, and after the storm.
** If you know of any that are not listed, please let us know via our Facebook page
Snow Emergency - A snow emergency has been declared for Thursday and Friday, all vehicles must be moved from the posted route between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM to allow the PADOT trucks to plow to the curb.
Snow ban in effect until Friday at 4pm
Mahanoy City Borough
Snow Parking Ban again Tonight
Mayor has issued a snow parking ban once again tonight There will be NO PARKING between Midnight & 7AM on the following streets: Centre St. , Main St. , South St from 2nd Street west to Borough line.
Although the ban is only midnight to 7am, I recommend not parking on those streets starting now.
Update to Middleport Snow Ban as of 6 P.M. tonight till 6 P.M. on Friday. There will be no parking both sides on Washington St., Coal Street (South side of the street), Walnut Street and Kaska St. (East Side of the street) More Streets may be added Times may change also any updates please check Citizen's fire company #1 of Middleport Facebook page.
All vehicles must be moved off of Sunbury St. By 5am, 2/13/14. Vehicles not moved will be removed by police.
As of 4 PM today (Wednesday)....City of Pottsville Snow Emergency is in effect. All vehicles must be off the route. Peacock St. however is exempt from this storm due to excessive ice that cannot be plowed. PLEASE SHARE
Shenandoah Borough
There will be NO PARKING along snow emergency routes on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 due to the Inclement weather we are suppose to receive. The snow emergency route is as follows, *Main street*- From Washington St to the Gold star bridge and *Centre* Street- Between White st and West streets.
***This ban will be in effect from 2AM Thursday Feb. 13 until 6AM Friday Feb. 14.***
Tamaqua Mayor Chris Morrison declared a State of Emergency around 8 AM this morning for the borough. “The State of Emergency is to encourage drivers to stay off the roads and allow plow crews to do their jobs,” said Borough Manager Kevin Steigerwalt. He added that the State of Emergency was also issued in case of any possible state or federal assistance.
“Tamaqua’s State of Emergency remains in effect until further notice,” added Steigerwalt.
Lansford also issued a State of Emergency for it’s borough.